Remote Shelving Services · 51
Yes As the current facility is reaching capacity, we
are beginning to look at alternative solutions
for the long term. Current strategies include
weeding the current facility implementing more
stringent guidelines for depositing materials
exploring shared facilities with other regional
institutions. We have not completely ruled out
the possibility of building or purchasing and
additional facility, but this is the least likely
Yes Planning is now underway. See Current Plans.
Yes Discussions beginning to consider addition of
special collections and adding more space for
general collection.
Yes The Ft. Meade campus is a 100-acre site. For
the library’s collections, the plan is to build
an additional modules up to a total of 13 at
approximately 2 year intervals. These modules
are attached to each other and will house books
and bound periodicals, special format collections
(e.g., maps, manuscripts, microform, sheet
Yes The library will soon begin to construct
Modules 3, 4, and four cold vaults at the Ft.
Meade site. Completion is anticipated to be in
early calendar 2009. In addition to Ft. Meade,
construction work continues at the National
Audio-Visual Conservation Center at Culpeper.
Yes We plan to add another module to the current
facility, perhaps as early as 2007.
No Planning is already underway for the new
storage bay.
Yes The facility was designed to allow for a 5,750
square foot addition with an estimated capacity
of 250,000 volumes. No date for construction
has been established.
No Since the existing facility is nearly half full, and
it is expected that materials will continue to be
transferred, administrative decisions will need
to be made.
Yes We have plans to construct our own permanent
storage facility when funding becomes available.
No Planning has already begun. See Current Plans.
Yes Use of compact shelving in designated libraries. No There are discussions of transferring the
materials in remote storage to compact
shelving in the central library, and also in other
branch libraries.
Yes New building, including:
-conservation center: rare books and special
collections library
-“library as a place:” rooms for conferences,
seminars, expositions, individual or group work,
and research centers
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