Remote Shelving Services · 25
Approximate Number of
Items Added in 2005 N=56
N Min Max Mean Median Std Dev
Volumes 55 0 2,000,000 133,542 40,000 297,137
Non-print material 35 0 3,000,000 107,420 14 509,350
Boxes of archival material 36 0 18,250 2,342 402 3,892
Flat files (maps, architectural
drawings, etc.)
29 0 5,000 321 0 1,108
4. How are materials housed in the facility? Check all that apply. N=63
High-density shelving 33 52%
Standard library shelving (non-moveable cantilevered) 24 38%
Compact mobile shelving 16 25%
High security areas for rare materials 12 19%
Specialized storage for non-paper media 12 19%
Other 13 21%
Please describe other storage type(s).
Archive boxes loaded on pallets
Commercial storage shelving and pallets
Filing cabinets
Fixed archival box shelving
Flat Files
Industrial shelving
Map cabinets
Map cases, filing cabinets, archival boxes
Microfilm cabinets and boxes shelving is 12’ high
Microform cabinets
Open areas for storing archival boxes
Secure area for archival material
Some unprocessed materials stored temporarily in boxes on skids
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