19 Includes renovation expenses for central library now included in the budget and amortized over 30
years also includes other facilities expenses that are a part of library budget, both for a total of
$6,134,003 and also includes fringes in the amount of $1,668,364.
21 Increase due to an improved ability to identify charges and report them correctly.
22 Increase due to an increased emphasis on electronic serials and a decrease of duplicate serials in
paper format.
23.b Includes Health Science Library only.
31 Data unavailable for Law Library.
35 2003‐04figureincludedrenewals current figure does not.
36 2003‐04figurerevisedto160.
37 Corrected from previous reports previous reports included MD fields whereas number now being
reported is PhD fields only.
All figures are as of April 30, 2005 and include University Map Library, Musagetes Architecture
Library (opened September 2004), and the Optometry Learning Resource Centre.
4 Includes 7,017 print serials and 13,011 electronic.
15‐25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15a) $1,098,133 (15b) $5,160,968 (15c) $1,221,486
(15d) $260,952 (15) $7,741,539 (16) $68,550 (17a) $2,515,917 (17b) $3,496,416 (17c) $746,059 (17)
$6,758,392 (19) $791,053 (20) $15,359,534 (21) $1,221,486 (22) $3,885,065 (23a) $0 (23b) $0 (24)
$216,998 (25) $86,679.
15.b Includes expenditures for print and e‐resources.
22 Includes expenditures for electronic monograph and serial titles included in publishersʹpackages.
All figures are as of September 30, 2005 and include Reuther Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs.
1 Includes government documents.
4 Figure is taken from the online system, which does not currently provide a count of purchased vs.
9, 11 Figures are estimated.
15.c Total cannot be disaggegated from monograph expenditures (15a) and serial expenditures (15b).
19 Includes fringe benefits.
21 2003‐04figureincludedanon‐recurring,gift‐fundedexpenditureof$100,000.
32, 33 Totals for 2002‐03and2003‐04wereincorrectlycalculated(includedreservecirculations). The
correct totals are 2002‐03:(32)165,458 (33) 239,713 and 2003‐04:(32)169,328 (33) 243,948.
36 Includes Ed. D. degrees.
All figures are as of April 30, 2005 and include: Archives and Research Collections Centre, Business
Library, Education Library, Music Library, Allyn &Betty Taylor Library (Engineering, Science,
Medicine &Dentistry, Health Sciences) and The D.B. Weldon Library (Arts &Humanities, Social
Science, and Information &Media Studies).
1.a Includes 148,126 e‐monographs.
1.b Decrease due to more withdrawals during 2004‐05.
2 Includes 7,938 e‐monographs.
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