Footnotes may also include errata and corrections to data from prior years not previously reported. Numbers in parentheses refer to columns in
Library Data Tables and to Questionnaire numbers.
All figures are as of September 30, 2005, and include University Libraries (Gorgas, Business,
Education, Special Collections, Science &Engineering), Map, Social Work, and Communications
libraries. Volumes held September 30, 2004 revised to 2,466,978 to include pre‐1996government
documents volumes added to catalog during 2004‐05.
1 Includes government documents since 1996 and a portion of the pre‐1996governmentdocuments
2 Law Library purchased a PDF set with one‐timefunding.
6 Includes government documents.
15.b Decrease reflects change in renewal cycle.
15.c Includes only Map Library other libraries do not separate expenditures for audiovisual materials
and microforms.
15.d Includes Center for Research Libraries membership.
17.b Increase due to additional staff, hiring at higher salary, and raises.
19 Includes bibliographic utilities, memberships (except CRL), and literature searching.
21 Includes purchase of e‐books in 2003‐04alsoincludedpurchaseofbackfiles.
22 Increase due to moving major publisherʹpackagesfromprintandelectronictoelectroniconly.
26.a Reclassification moved staff from professional to support.
All figures are as of March 31, 2005. Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 6,027,270 to include e‐
book titles held as at end of March, 2004.
1.b.i Includes 81,409 e‐booktitlesaddedin2004‐05. Excludes 1,811 e‐booktitlespurchasedfor
2 Past figures were inaccurately reported. Precise number of monographs purchased from 2000‐01
onward is unavailable all monographs purchased are included in gross volumes added (1.b.i)
4 Includes government documents.
7 Included in Microform Units (6).
15‐25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian Dollars: (15a) $5,368,076 (15b) $9,794,761 (15c) $0 (15d)
$694,766 (15) $15,857,603 (16) $117,796 (17a) $5,743,088 (17b) $9,166,184 (17c) $1,001,858 (17)
$15,911,130 (19) $1,567,792 (20) $33,454,321 (21) $969,687 (22) $6,933,922 (23a) U/A (23b) U/A
(24) U/A (25) U/A.
15.c Cannot be disaggregated from monograph expenditures (15a) and serial expenditures (15b).
15.d Includes GST (Goods and Services Tax), postage, courier, and supplies expenditures, as well as
membership expenditures not already paid through the materials budget.
17 Excludes Fringe benefits.
21 Includes one‐timemonographfundpurchasesofelectronicperiodicalbackfiles.
26.c Figure based on actual hours worked. Prior to 2000‐01,figureswerebasedonhourshiredtowork.
33 Includes Journal Loans.
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