$6,547,579 (19) $1,034,790 (20) $15,652,482 (21) $11,065 (22) $3,234,567 (23a) $65,412 (23b) $0 (24)
$422,711 (25) $125,617.
15.d Increase due to a payment of $65,000 for ILL from 2003‐04notpaiduntilfiscalyear2004‐05.
17.a Computer programmers, technicians and budget officers included in professional staff.
20 Includes funding from grants and special funds.
22 Includes $217,960 in provincial funding for resources for the Saskatchewan Health Information
Resources Partnership unable to determine the exact portion of this $217,960 that would be
specific to the U of S.
38 Includes professors, associate professors, assistant professors, lecturers and instructors.
39 Includes 99 certificate/diploma students.
40 Includes 559 certificate/diploma students.
41 Includes 221 post‐graduateclinicalstudents.
15.c, 15.d In 2004‐05movedmembershipduesfromOtherMaterials(15c)toMiscellaneousMaterials(15d).
23.a 2003‐04figurein(23b)shouldhavebeenrecordedin(23a).
Includes Main, Law and Medicine, Music, Math, and South Caroliniana Libraries excludes Aiken,
Beaufort, Spartanburg (Upstate), Sumter, Union, Lancaster, and Salkehatchie branch campus
Law and Health Sciences libraries were inadvertently excluded from 2003‐04figures as a result,
volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 3,865,914.
21 Includes Health Sciences Library only.
26.a Reassessment of previously reported data.
Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 2,965,957 to include onetime downloads for EEBO (74,142)
and LiOn (15,491) in 2003‐04,and36,000e‐booksfromEarlyAmericanImprints,SeriesII.
4.a Increase reflects improved counting methods and additional titles in packages of electronic
11 Decrease reflects the weeding of materials in the Curriculum Materials Center.
15.c Includes maps, serials backfiles, spoken word files, manuscripts, films/videos, microforms, music,
and software.
15.d Includes bibliographic utilities.
21 Includes archive capital fees for electronic collections and A/I databases, periodical backfiles, and
electronic books collections maintenance and access fees.
26.a, 26.c Grant FTE are (26a) 2 (26c) 1.
Includes Gov. Thomas E. Dewey Graduate Library of Public Affairs and Policy Science Library.
4.a Figure reflects a title count including electronic journals from all sources those accessed through
indexing and abstracting products cannot be distinguished from those provided by other means.
20 $266,307 of the total represents expenditures from private giving to the Libraries.
$6,547,579 (19) $1,034,790 (20) $15,652,482 (21) $11,065 (22) $3,234,567 (23a) $65,412 (23b) $0 (24)
$422,711 (25) $125,617.
15.d Increase due to a payment of $65,000 for ILL from 2003‐04notpaiduntilfiscalyear2004‐05.
17.a Computer programmers, technicians and budget officers included in professional staff.
20 Includes funding from grants and special funds.
22 Includes $217,960 in provincial funding for resources for the Saskatchewan Health Information
Resources Partnership unable to determine the exact portion of this $217,960 that would be
specific to the U of S.
38 Includes professors, associate professors, assistant professors, lecturers and instructors.
39 Includes 99 certificate/diploma students.
40 Includes 559 certificate/diploma students.
41 Includes 221 post‐graduateclinicalstudents.
15.c, 15.d In 2004‐05movedmembershipduesfromOtherMaterials(15c)toMiscellaneousMaterials(15d).
23.a 2003‐04figurein(23b)shouldhavebeenrecordedin(23a).
Includes Main, Law and Medicine, Music, Math, and South Caroliniana Libraries excludes Aiken,
Beaufort, Spartanburg (Upstate), Sumter, Union, Lancaster, and Salkehatchie branch campus
Law and Health Sciences libraries were inadvertently excluded from 2003‐04figures as a result,
volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 3,865,914.
21 Includes Health Sciences Library only.
26.a Reassessment of previously reported data.
Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 2,965,957 to include onetime downloads for EEBO (74,142)
and LiOn (15,491) in 2003‐04,and36,000e‐booksfromEarlyAmericanImprints,SeriesII.
4.a Increase reflects improved counting methods and additional titles in packages of electronic
11 Decrease reflects the weeding of materials in the Curriculum Materials Center.
15.c Includes maps, serials backfiles, spoken word files, manuscripts, films/videos, microforms, music,
and software.
15.d Includes bibliographic utilities.
21 Includes archive capital fees for electronic collections and A/I databases, periodical backfiles, and
electronic books collections maintenance and access fees.
26.a, 26.c Grant FTE are (26a) 2 (26c) 1.
Includes Gov. Thomas E. Dewey Graduate Library of Public Affairs and Policy Science Library.
4.a Figure reflects a title count including electronic journals from all sources those accessed through
indexing and abstracting products cannot be distinguished from those provided by other means.
20 $266,307 of the total represents expenditures from private giving to the Libraries.