24 2003‐04figurereflectedcompensationsavingsusedtosupportcomputerexpenditures.
35 Includes 411 requests filled by the Center for Research Libraries.
40, 42 Prior to 2004‐05,part‐timestudentswerereportedtoIPEDSasFTEs now, they are reported as a
head count.
Includes the University Libraries, as well as Law and Medical. Excludes Raymond Walters
College and Clermont College. Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 3,051,048 to reflect
adjustments in retro cataloging.
5 The majority of government documents are not counted in the count of Current Serials, though
some have been classed in the LC collection and are considered ʺregularʺ periodicals.
17.a Increase reflects a change in the definition of ʺprofessional staffʺinoneunit.
21 Increase due to the purchase of major backfile collections.
22 Decrease due to some payments to the consortium, which were paid in 2003‐04.
23.a Increase due to various fiscal year patterns.
26.c Budget loss explains the drop in FTE student assistants.
34 Figure includes activity for the Universityʹstwotwo‐yearcolleges: Raymond Walters College and
Clermont College. Decrease due to a change in lending priority within the OhioLINK consortium
institutions change into and out of position as priority lender in different years.
35 Figure includes activity for the Universityʹstwotwo‐yearcolleges: Raymond Walters College and
Clermont College.
All figures are as of March 31, 2005 and include: 11 regional CISTI sites, in Victoria, Vancouver,
Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Montreal, Boucherville, London, Halifax, New Brunswick, Charlottetown
and St. Johnʹs and 6 Ottawa‐basedNRCInformationCentresstaffedbyCISTIInformation
Specialists in addition to the main CISTI building.
15‐25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15a) $536,500 (15b) $10,702,057 (15c) $879,790
(15d) $68,209 (15) $12,186,556 (16) UA/NA (17a) UA/NA (17b) UA/NA (17c) UA/NA (17)
$19,367,085 (19) $13,315,444 (20) $44,859,000 (21) UA/NA (22) $1,911,793 (23a) UA/NA (23b)
UA/NA (24) $3,290,178 (25) UA/NA.
29 Data not collected in 2005. Figures for question (29) and (30) have matched in past years, but
reflect the number of participants.
3 Volume count is 90% bibliographic and 10% physical.
15.d Includes: Consortia ($147,003, consisting of Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries membership
[$88,566], Center for Research Libraries membership [$50,337], Greater Western Library Alliance
membership [$8,100]) Membership ($25,205, consisting of Inter‐universityConsortiumfor
Political &Social Research [$12,730], ARL [$6,500], CNI (Coalition for Networked Information
[$5,975]) Korean cataloging records ($1,718) Marcive elec. shipping lists and labels ($3,633) III LC
authority database ($5,900) III maintenance ($94,200) Interlibrary loan ($8,798) Storage of archival
materials ($27,360) Pinhole camera ($153) Travel to view gift collection ($359).
19 2003‐04figureshouldbereducedby$100,000cashtransfertocopycenterauxiliarywhichwas
29 A couple of departments have revised their methods of counting presentations to better reflect the
ARL instructions. This lowered the figure significantly in comparison to previous years.
31 Reflects more accurate counts now uniformly based on ARL definition of reference transactions.
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