4 Print and e‐journalsreceivedlessaggregatorpackagessuchasLexisNexis,EBSCO,Proquest,etc.
Includes Knight Library, Architecture and Allied Arts Library, Science Library, Math Library,
Portland Architecture Library, and Rippy Library (Oregon Institute of Marine Biology).
4.a Increase due to a change in the reporting method for print plus electronic serials.
9 Figure is in linear feet.
15.c Expenditures included in monographs (15a) and serials (15b).
19 Decrease due to an unusually high figure in 2003‐04insupportofcampus‐wideEducational
Technology projects.
21 Decrease due to a three‐yearpaymentfortheWeb‐of‐Sciencebackfilecomingtoanend.
22 Increase due to being better able to track expenditures for electronic subscriptions.
25 Increase due to a subsidized pay‐per‐viewservicethatwasinstituted.
32, 33 Past data included ILL transactions and internal circulation.
34, 35 Law Library data cannot be disaggregated.
38, 39, 41 2003‐04figuresrevisedto:(38)812 (39) 16,676 (41) 2,885.
Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 5,660,177 to include titles from several large e‐booksets
which are cataloged separately, and for which Penn owns tape backups and/or long‐termaccess
agreements with publishers.
31 Health Science Library data are unavailable.
34, 35 Includes patron direct borrowing through regional and Ivies consortia.
Includes Penn State Beaver, Penn State Delaware, Penn State DuBois, Penn State Fayette, Penn
State Hazleton, Penn State Lehigh Valley, Penn State McKeesport, Penn State Mont Alto, Penn
State New Kensington, Penn State Schuylkill, Penn State Shenango, Penn State Wilkes‐Barre,Penn
State Worthington Scranton, Penn State York, Penn State Abington, Penn State Altoona, Penn State
Behrend, Penn State Berks, Penn State Great Valley, and Penn State Harrisburg.
2 Includes 195 e‐books,and39GaleVirtualReferenceLibrarytitles.
31 Extrapolation used: 41.2987.
Includes the University Library System, the Health Sciences Library, and the Law Library.
6 Increase due to a large purchase of microforms.
8 Statistics gathering has been streamlined, and computer files were counted differently. Future
figures will be consistent with this process.
4.a Count represents an increase in electronic holdings and includes a fuller, more accurate count of
aggregator titles made possible by the LibraryʹsnewElectronicResourceManagementsystem.
7 Count reflects an adjusted base figure more accurately differentiating uncataloged vs. cataloged
print documents made possible by improved management data reporting of the Libraryʹscurrent
Integrated Library System.
11 Increase represents the one‐timetransfertotheLibraryoftheUniversityʹsadministrativephoto
4 Print and e‐journalsreceivedlessaggregatorpackagessuchasLexisNexis,EBSCO,Proquest,etc.
Includes Knight Library, Architecture and Allied Arts Library, Science Library, Math Library,
Portland Architecture Library, and Rippy Library (Oregon Institute of Marine Biology).
4.a Increase due to a change in the reporting method for print plus electronic serials.
9 Figure is in linear feet.
15.c Expenditures included in monographs (15a) and serials (15b).
19 Decrease due to an unusually high figure in 2003‐04insupportofcampus‐wideEducational
Technology projects.
21 Decrease due to a three‐yearpaymentfortheWeb‐of‐Sciencebackfilecomingtoanend.
22 Increase due to being better able to track expenditures for electronic subscriptions.
25 Increase due to a subsidized pay‐per‐viewservicethatwasinstituted.
32, 33 Past data included ILL transactions and internal circulation.
34, 35 Law Library data cannot be disaggregated.
38, 39, 41 2003‐04figuresrevisedto:(38)812 (39) 16,676 (41) 2,885.
Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 5,660,177 to include titles from several large e‐booksets
which are cataloged separately, and for which Penn owns tape backups and/or long‐termaccess
agreements with publishers.
31 Health Science Library data are unavailable.
34, 35 Includes patron direct borrowing through regional and Ivies consortia.
Includes Penn State Beaver, Penn State Delaware, Penn State DuBois, Penn State Fayette, Penn
State Hazleton, Penn State Lehigh Valley, Penn State McKeesport, Penn State Mont Alto, Penn
State New Kensington, Penn State Schuylkill, Penn State Shenango, Penn State Wilkes‐Barre,Penn
State Worthington Scranton, Penn State York, Penn State Abington, Penn State Altoona, Penn State
Behrend, Penn State Berks, Penn State Great Valley, and Penn State Harrisburg.
2 Includes 195 e‐books,and39GaleVirtualReferenceLibrarytitles.
31 Extrapolation used: 41.2987.
Includes the University Library System, the Health Sciences Library, and the Law Library.
6 Increase due to a large purchase of microforms.
8 Statistics gathering has been streamlined, and computer files were counted differently. Future
figures will be consistent with this process.
4.a Count represents an increase in electronic holdings and includes a fuller, more accurate count of
aggregator titles made possible by the LibraryʹsnewElectronicResourceManagementsystem.
7 Count reflects an adjusted base figure more accurately differentiating uncataloged vs. cataloged
print documents made possible by improved management data reporting of the Libraryʹscurrent
Integrated Library System.
11 Increase represents the one‐timetransfertotheLibraryoftheUniversityʹsadministrativephoto