41 Law students (first‐professional)wereomittedfromfullandpart‐timegradstudentsinFall2003,
thus 2003‐04figuresshouldberevisedto(41)2,121 (42) 3,927.
4.a Change is due to interpretation of what is now included in this item.
15, 15.a, 20 Changes due to completion of flood related projects.
21 Figure reflects shift to online resources.
Includes two Columbia University affiliates (not branch libraries): Barnard College Library, which
was also included in 2003‐04,andTeachersCollegewhichisincludedin2004‐05forthefirsttime.
Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 9,085,859 to include 5,169 Oral History volumes.
2 Number of monographic volumes purchased includes 159,844 e‐books,someofwhichwere
purchased in prior years but cataloged in 2004‐05.
8 Excludes Butler Library.
14 All Columbia expenditures and Personnel data (FTE) exclude Electronic Publishing Initiative at
Columbia (EPIC).
15.d Includes costs associated with maintenance of collection (e.g., shipping, supplies, relocation,
16 Decrease reflects re‐categorizationofexpenses.
Includes Art &Design Avery Point Dodd Research Center Greater Hartford Map Media Music
&Dramatic Arts Pharmacy Stamford Torrington and Waterbury libraries.
4 Increase due to a change in the state‐providedelectronicserialspackage.
15.b, 15.c 2003‐04figureswereincorrect.
21 Increase due to an internal coding change.
Includes the Adelson, Africana, Annex, Engineering, Fine Arts, Hotel, Industrial &Labor
Relations, Kroch (Rare &Mss. Collections), Law, Management, Mann/Entomology, Mathematics,
Music, Olin/Kroch (Asia Collections), Physical Sciences, Uris, and Veterinary Libraries on the
Ithaca campus, and the New York Agricultural Experiment Station Library in Geneva, NY.
Excludes the Medical College Library in New York, NY. Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to
7,537,145 to include corrections to Annex volume counts, and 240,986 additional e‐books,
including: Early English Books Online (68,463) Eighteenth Century Collections Online (136,209)
Evans Early American Imprints Digital Collection (36,303) NetLibrary (11 excludes 12,021
NetLibrary titles Cornell has perpetual access to with a consortium).
1 Decrease largely reflects the completion in 2003‐04ofthebacklogreductionproject. To a much
smaller degree, it may also reflect a decrease in the number of unit orders placed due to the
performance of the dollar.
1.b.i Decrease reflects the completion in 2003‐04ofaprojecttoeliminatethecatalogingbacklog the
process of transitioning from acquiring print and electronic to electronic‐onlyserialswhere
appropriate a decrease in the number of unit orders placed due, in some part, to the performance
of the dollar and a reduction in the acquisition of multiple copies.
4 Includes some unnumbered monographic series. Estimate of e‐serialsdoesnotexcludenon‐
current titles packaged with current titles.
9 Figure is in cubic feet.
15.a Decrease due to the fact that 2003‐04figureincludedfundsforthelargepurchaseofthe
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