17 Library of the Health Sciences information included in all Daley salary and wage figures.
Breakdown of data for both locations is unavailable.
15.d Includes: Postage/freight ($170,453) Handling ($66,170) Inter‐LibraryLoan($13,992) Copyright
Fees ($31,914) Memberships ($66,129) Electronic Service Fees ($28,435) Online Non‐Recoverable
Reference Service ($24,209) Preservation ($90,383).
17.a Includes $8,623,788 academic and $1,226,218 graduate assistants.
22 Increase due to increased efficiency at counting electronic serials, as well as the flipping of titles
from print to electronic.
26.a Includes 43 FTE graduate assistants.
33 Decrease attributable to decrease in renewals, which resulted from a newly enforced policy on
number of renewals allowed.
34, 35 Excludes Law Library.
Includes the Law Library at Bloomington, the Archives of Traditional Music, and the Kinsey
Institute, the Archives of African‐AmericanMusic&Culture,CenterforDisabilityInformation&
Referral, Gay Lesbian Bi‐SexualandTransgenderedStudentSupportServicesOffice,and
Workshop on Political Theory &Policy Analysis libraries. Excludes the regional campuses at
Columbus, Ft. Wayne, Gary, Indianapolis (IUPUI), Kokomo, New Albany, Richmond, and South
Bend. Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 7,131,059 to include collections from five new
libraries: Archives of African‐AmericanMusic&Culture,CenterforDisabilityInformation&
Referral, Gay Lesbian Bi‐SexualandTransgenderedStudentSupportServicesOffice,and
Workshop on Political Theory &Policy Analysis.
20 Change in accounting practices eliminated double counting of some funds.
21 Improved accounting practices.
26.b One unit was double‐countedin2003‐04.
25 Postage was higher in 2003‐04,thuschargescouldnotbeseparatedoutcorrectly.
26.a Change from 2003‐04duetoretirementsofover8Librarians.
38 Excludes 533 clinical and preclinical faculty with departmental appointments.
Includes the Veterinary Medical Library.
4.a Decrease is a result of a correction in data reporting in 2004‐05,i.e.,full‐textjournalswithin
indexing/abstracting products were excluded in 2004‐05.
15.a Increase due to addition of e‐books.
15.c Decrease is due to e‐booksbeingreportedin(15a) also, over $100,000 less was spent on e‐booksin
15.d Decrease reflects dollars that were reallocated to purchase monographs reported in (15a) and
serials reported in (15b), plus a drop in available dollars in the Deanʹsdiscretionarybudgetline.
21 Decrease reflects a drop in available dollars in the Associate Dean for Collections &Technical
22 Decrease is primarily due to the payment of both 2003 and 2004 Science Direct annual
subscriptions in 2003‐04.
17 Library of the Health Sciences information included in all Daley salary and wage figures.
Breakdown of data for both locations is unavailable.
15.d Includes: Postage/freight ($170,453) Handling ($66,170) Inter‐LibraryLoan($13,992) Copyright
Fees ($31,914) Memberships ($66,129) Electronic Service Fees ($28,435) Online Non‐Recoverable
Reference Service ($24,209) Preservation ($90,383).
17.a Includes $8,623,788 academic and $1,226,218 graduate assistants.
22 Increase due to increased efficiency at counting electronic serials, as well as the flipping of titles
from print to electronic.
26.a Includes 43 FTE graduate assistants.
33 Decrease attributable to decrease in renewals, which resulted from a newly enforced policy on
number of renewals allowed.
34, 35 Excludes Law Library.
Includes the Law Library at Bloomington, the Archives of Traditional Music, and the Kinsey
Institute, the Archives of African‐AmericanMusic&Culture,CenterforDisabilityInformation&
Referral, Gay Lesbian Bi‐SexualandTransgenderedStudentSupportServicesOffice,and
Workshop on Political Theory &Policy Analysis libraries. Excludes the regional campuses at
Columbus, Ft. Wayne, Gary, Indianapolis (IUPUI), Kokomo, New Albany, Richmond, and South
Bend. Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 7,131,059 to include collections from five new
libraries: Archives of African‐AmericanMusic&Culture,CenterforDisabilityInformation&
Referral, Gay Lesbian Bi‐SexualandTransgenderedStudentSupportServicesOffice,and
Workshop on Political Theory &Policy Analysis.
20 Change in accounting practices eliminated double counting of some funds.
21 Improved accounting practices.
26.b One unit was double‐countedin2003‐04.
25 Postage was higher in 2003‐04,thuschargescouldnotbeseparatedoutcorrectly.
26.a Change from 2003‐04duetoretirementsofover8Librarians.
38 Excludes 533 clinical and preclinical faculty with departmental appointments.
Includes the Veterinary Medical Library.
4.a Decrease is a result of a correction in data reporting in 2004‐05,i.e.,full‐textjournalswithin
indexing/abstracting products were excluded in 2004‐05.
15.a Increase due to addition of e‐books.
15.c Decrease is due to e‐booksbeingreportedin(15a) also, over $100,000 less was spent on e‐booksin
15.d Decrease reflects dollars that were reallocated to purchase monographs reported in (15a) and
serials reported in (15b), plus a drop in available dollars in the Deanʹsdiscretionarybudgetline.
21 Decrease reflects a drop in available dollars in the Associate Dean for Collections &Technical
22 Decrease is primarily due to the payment of both 2003 and 2004 Science Direct annual
subscriptions in 2003‐04.