21 Increase due to several large one‐timedatabasepurchasesin2004‐05.
22 Electronic indexes and reference tools total $746,374. Electronic full text periodicals total
24 Increase due to a significant technology purchase being delayed from 2003‐04to2004‐05.
29‐31 Figures unavailable for Law Library.
Includes Athens (main), Chillicothe, Eastern, Lancaster, Southern, and Zanesville libraries.
Includes the following libraries: Architecture Biological Sciences/Pharmacy Business Cartoon
Research ChildrenʹsHospital Education, Human Ecology, Psychology, and Social Work Fine
Arts Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Geology Health Sciences Journalism Law
Music/Dance Science &Engineering Theatre Research Institute University Archives and
Veterinary Medicine. Excludes Agricultural Technical Institute Library, Ohio Agricultural
Research and Development Center and Regional Campus Libraries at Lima, Mansfield, Marion,
and Newark.
1.b.ii System improvements made during the year eliminated a number of duplicate records, which
resulted in a positive number of volumes ʺwithdrawn.ʺ
4.a Decrease due to a significant cancellation project in the Main Library, and also some titles being
counted as ʺpurchasedʺ that should have been counted as ʺnot purchased.ʺ
4.b Includes 3,865 titles incorrectly counted among paid titles in prior years.
13 Audio, Film and Video are included as a single category in our catalog.
15.b Figure reflects the cancellation project, as well as the absence of a $2 million prepayment that had
been made in prior years.
15.c, 15.d In earlier years these figures had not been reported separately, but had been counted as
monograph expenditures for one time purchases or as a serial expenditure for continuations.
17 2003‐04figurerevisedto$13,077,736.
17.c 2003‐04figurerevisedto$1,483,565 the Work Study figure had not been included for the Main
32 2003‐04figurerevisedto598,717.
34, 35 Includes materials loaned and borrowed via the OhioLINK statewide system.
4.a Added several new major databases containing multiple serials.
4.b Increase due to a change in the reporting process for serials received but not purchased.
7 A number of commercially published volumes were purchased and several gifts were received in
15.a, 19, 22, 23.a Increase due to an increase in the library budget.
21 Decrease due to a change in reporting method from 2003‐04.
24 Increase due to additional computer hardware purchases.
36‐42 Previous years did not include medical campus.
Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 2,551,684 due to the over‐reportingof20,360volumesfroma
campus library.
21 Increase due to several large one‐timedatabasepurchasesin2004‐05.
22 Electronic indexes and reference tools total $746,374. Electronic full text periodicals total
24 Increase due to a significant technology purchase being delayed from 2003‐04to2004‐05.
29‐31 Figures unavailable for Law Library.
Includes Athens (main), Chillicothe, Eastern, Lancaster, Southern, and Zanesville libraries.
Includes the following libraries: Architecture Biological Sciences/Pharmacy Business Cartoon
Research ChildrenʹsHospital Education, Human Ecology, Psychology, and Social Work Fine
Arts Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Geology Health Sciences Journalism Law
Music/Dance Science &Engineering Theatre Research Institute University Archives and
Veterinary Medicine. Excludes Agricultural Technical Institute Library, Ohio Agricultural
Research and Development Center and Regional Campus Libraries at Lima, Mansfield, Marion,
and Newark.
1.b.ii System improvements made during the year eliminated a number of duplicate records, which
resulted in a positive number of volumes ʺwithdrawn.ʺ
4.a Decrease due to a significant cancellation project in the Main Library, and also some titles being
counted as ʺpurchasedʺ that should have been counted as ʺnot purchased.ʺ
4.b Includes 3,865 titles incorrectly counted among paid titles in prior years.
13 Audio, Film and Video are included as a single category in our catalog.
15.b Figure reflects the cancellation project, as well as the absence of a $2 million prepayment that had
been made in prior years.
15.c, 15.d In earlier years these figures had not been reported separately, but had been counted as
monograph expenditures for one time purchases or as a serial expenditure for continuations.
17 2003‐04figurerevisedto$13,077,736.
17.c 2003‐04figurerevisedto$1,483,565 the Work Study figure had not been included for the Main
32 2003‐04figurerevisedto598,717.
34, 35 Includes materials loaned and borrowed via the OhioLINK statewide system.
4.a Added several new major databases containing multiple serials.
4.b Increase due to a change in the reporting process for serials received but not purchased.
7 A number of commercially published volumes were purchased and several gifts were received in
15.a, 19, 22, 23.a Increase due to an increase in the library budget.
21 Decrease due to a change in reporting method from 2003‐04.
24 Increase due to additional computer hardware purchases.
36‐42 Previous years did not include medical campus.
Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 2,551,684 due to the over‐reportingof20,360volumesfroma
campus library.