27 Closed the Economic and Sociology Reading Room July 2004.
Includes MSEL, Welch, SAIS, Friedheim, APL, and Montgomery County libraries.
Includes Regent Center Library, Edwards Campus (Overland Park, KS) and excludes University of
Kansas School of Medicine, Farha Library, in Wichita, KS.
1.b.i Used ARL formula of 5.2 documents pieces per volume for document serials
4.a Figure reflects purchase of more electronic journals.
6 2003‐04figurerevisedto3,584,065.
33 Includes Main and Law libraries only Health Sciences reports U/A.
All main campus libraries are included in volume counts, collection budget figures, and use
statistics. All regional campus libraries are included in volume counts and use statistics, but not
collection budget figures. Recent staffing changes may have resulted in reporting anomalies over
the past several years.
10 Figure does not include map library.
15.b Includes Paper ($1,185,536) and Electronic ($1,553,020).
21 Included in (15a).
Agricultural Information Center Chemistry/Physics Library Design Library Education Library
Geological Sciences Library/Map Collection Engineering Library Fine Arts Library International
Documents/Storage (King Library) Mathematical Sciences Library Special Collections &Digital
Programs William T. Young Library Law Library and Medical Library statistics are reported
separately. Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 3,212,669 to include e‐books.
1.b.i The Libraries added 3 large e‐bookcollectionsduring2004‐05.
11 Includes 1.5 million photographs from the Lexington Herald Leader project.
All figures are as of May 31, 2005. The Law and Health Libraries data are included with those of
the Main Library.
15‐25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15a) $1,932,926 (15b) $7,491,055 (15c) $152,203
(15d) $175,359 (15) $9,751,543 (16) $44,725 (17a) $3,820,078 (17b) $5,991,933 (17c) $253,730 (17)
$10,065,741 (19) $603,272 (20) $20,465,281 (21) UA/NA (22) UA/NA (23a) UA/NA (23b) UA/NA
(24) UA/NA (25) UA/NA.
All figures are as of March 31, 2005. In 2004 the former National Library of Canada (NLC) and the
National Archives of Canada (NAC) merged to form the new Library and Archives Canada (LAC).
Responses provided reflect all of LAC 2003‐04figuresreflectedcollections,budgetsandactivities
of the NLC. Increases in some of those figures in 2004‐05reflectthemergerofcollections,budgets
and activities of the new institution.
1.a Figures are estimated.
9 Standard unit of measure for LAC Manuscripts and archives is linear meters figure provided is
converted to linear feet.
15‐25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15a) $597,810 (15b) $868,867 (15c) $259,829 (15d)
27 Closed the Economic and Sociology Reading Room July 2004.
Includes MSEL, Welch, SAIS, Friedheim, APL, and Montgomery County libraries.
Includes Regent Center Library, Edwards Campus (Overland Park, KS) and excludes University of
Kansas School of Medicine, Farha Library, in Wichita, KS.
1.b.i Used ARL formula of 5.2 documents pieces per volume for document serials
4.a Figure reflects purchase of more electronic journals.
6 2003‐04figurerevisedto3,584,065.
33 Includes Main and Law libraries only Health Sciences reports U/A.
All main campus libraries are included in volume counts, collection budget figures, and use
statistics. All regional campus libraries are included in volume counts and use statistics, but not
collection budget figures. Recent staffing changes may have resulted in reporting anomalies over
the past several years.
10 Figure does not include map library.
15.b Includes Paper ($1,185,536) and Electronic ($1,553,020).
21 Included in (15a).
Agricultural Information Center Chemistry/Physics Library Design Library Education Library
Geological Sciences Library/Map Collection Engineering Library Fine Arts Library International
Documents/Storage (King Library) Mathematical Sciences Library Special Collections &Digital
Programs William T. Young Library Law Library and Medical Library statistics are reported
separately. Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 3,212,669 to include e‐books.
1.b.i The Libraries added 3 large e‐bookcollectionsduring2004‐05.
11 Includes 1.5 million photographs from the Lexington Herald Leader project.
All figures are as of May 31, 2005. The Law and Health Libraries data are included with those of
the Main Library.
15‐25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15a) $1,932,926 (15b) $7,491,055 (15c) $152,203
(15d) $175,359 (15) $9,751,543 (16) $44,725 (17a) $3,820,078 (17b) $5,991,933 (17c) $253,730 (17)
$10,065,741 (19) $603,272 (20) $20,465,281 (21) UA/NA (22) UA/NA (23a) UA/NA (23b) UA/NA
(24) UA/NA (25) UA/NA.
All figures are as of March 31, 2005. In 2004 the former National Library of Canada (NLC) and the
National Archives of Canada (NAC) merged to form the new Library and Archives Canada (LAC).
Responses provided reflect all of LAC 2003‐04figuresreflectedcollections,budgetsandactivities
of the NLC. Increases in some of those figures in 2004‐05reflectthemergerofcollections,budgets
and activities of the new institution.
1.a Figures are estimated.
9 Standard unit of measure for LAC Manuscripts and archives is linear meters figure provided is
converted to linear feet.
15‐25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15a) $597,810 (15b) $868,867 (15c) $259,829 (15d)