15.d Expenses for Document Delivery, previously recorded as Other Library Materials (15c), are now
accounted for here.
23.a 2003‐04figureincludedexpendituresforMarcive,Palinet,andDialogthatarenotincludedhere.
24 Includes one‐timesetupcostforDigitalImagingStudio.
25 2003‐04figurerevisedto$165,440duetounderreportingby$71,670.
Excludes branch campuses at Purdue North Central in Westville, Purdue Calumet in Hammond,
and Purdue Fort Wayne in Fort Wayne.
1‐16 Includes cataloged government documents.
2 Represents number of titles rather than volumes. Excludes materials purchased on sponsored
research programs.
3 Basis of volume count is physical for print materials and bibliographic for electronic.
4 Excludes some numbered monographic series.
4.b Includes cataloged depository, exchange, and gift serials.
15.c Represents bibliographic and full‐textdatabasesforwhichexpenditurescanbetrackedseparately.
Expenditures for other databases and for materials such as maps and audiovisuals are included in
those for monographs (15a) and serials (15b), and cannot be disaggregated.
22 Includes expenditures for bibliographic and fulltext databases in (15c), plus electronic journals.
25 Includes $130,761 of expenditures recovered by fee‐basedservice.
29 29‐30Excludesusersofonline,interactivetutorial, ʺCOREʺ ‐ approximately 2,100 account holders,
plus unregistered users made 40,968 visits in 2004‐05.
31 Includes 2,601 reference transactions via digital reference service.
All figures are as of April 30, 2005, and include: Stauffer Library (Humanities and Social Sciences),
Douglas Library (Engineering/Science), WD Jordan Library (Special Collections &Music), Bracken
Library (Health Sciences), Law Library, Education Library.
1.b.i 2003‐04figurewasunusuallyhighduetoabacklogcleanupproject.
15‐25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15a) $1,399,787 (15b) $6,425,128 (15c) $99,102 (15d)
$533,882 (15) $8,457,899 (16) $117,508 (17a) $2,333,401 (17b) $4,448,190 (17c) $321,331 (17)
$7,102,922 (19) $2,258,385 (20) $17,936,714 (21) $0 (22) $4,329,595 (23a) $248,650 (23b) $0 (24)
$294,846 (25) $45,263.
23.a Increase due to an increase in contract cataloging.
25 Decrease due to offsetting revenuesʹincrease,asQueenʹsbecameanetlenderofmaterial.
34 Data for Law Library unavailable increase due to Queenʹsbecominganetlenderofmaterial.
35 Data for Law Library were unavailable.
36‐42 Figures are as of November 2004.
38 Figure as of October 2004.
Includes Fondren Library, Brown Fine Arts Library, and Business Information Center. Volumes
held June 30, 2004 revised to 2,394,131 and includes 23,466 Texshare e‐books,23,872government
document e‐books,and630Netlibrarye‐books.
2 Includes 2,562 government document e‐books.
15.d Expenses for Document Delivery, previously recorded as Other Library Materials (15c), are now
accounted for here.
23.a 2003‐04figureincludedexpendituresforMarcive,Palinet,andDialogthatarenotincludedhere.
24 Includes one‐timesetupcostforDigitalImagingStudio.
25 2003‐04figurerevisedto$165,440duetounderreportingby$71,670.
Excludes branch campuses at Purdue North Central in Westville, Purdue Calumet in Hammond,
and Purdue Fort Wayne in Fort Wayne.
1‐16 Includes cataloged government documents.
2 Represents number of titles rather than volumes. Excludes materials purchased on sponsored
research programs.
3 Basis of volume count is physical for print materials and bibliographic for electronic.
4 Excludes some numbered monographic series.
4.b Includes cataloged depository, exchange, and gift serials.
15.c Represents bibliographic and full‐textdatabasesforwhichexpenditurescanbetrackedseparately.
Expenditures for other databases and for materials such as maps and audiovisuals are included in
those for monographs (15a) and serials (15b), and cannot be disaggregated.
22 Includes expenditures for bibliographic and fulltext databases in (15c), plus electronic journals.
25 Includes $130,761 of expenditures recovered by fee‐basedservice.
29 29‐30Excludesusersofonline,interactivetutorial, ʺCOREʺ ‐ approximately 2,100 account holders,
plus unregistered users made 40,968 visits in 2004‐05.
31 Includes 2,601 reference transactions via digital reference service.
All figures are as of April 30, 2005, and include: Stauffer Library (Humanities and Social Sciences),
Douglas Library (Engineering/Science), WD Jordan Library (Special Collections &Music), Bracken
Library (Health Sciences), Law Library, Education Library.
1.b.i 2003‐04figurewasunusuallyhighduetoabacklogcleanupproject.
15‐25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15a) $1,399,787 (15b) $6,425,128 (15c) $99,102 (15d)
$533,882 (15) $8,457,899 (16) $117,508 (17a) $2,333,401 (17b) $4,448,190 (17c) $321,331 (17)
$7,102,922 (19) $2,258,385 (20) $17,936,714 (21) $0 (22) $4,329,595 (23a) $248,650 (23b) $0 (24)
$294,846 (25) $45,263.
23.a Increase due to an increase in contract cataloging.
25 Decrease due to offsetting revenuesʹincrease,asQueenʹsbecameanetlenderofmaterial.
34 Data for Law Library unavailable increase due to Queenʹsbecominganetlenderofmaterial.
35 Data for Law Library were unavailable.
36‐42 Figures are as of November 2004.
38 Figure as of October 2004.
Includes Fondren Library, Brown Fine Arts Library, and Business Information Center. Volumes
held June 30, 2004 revised to 2,394,131 and includes 23,466 Texshare e‐books,23,872government
document e‐books,and630Netlibrarye‐books.
2 Includes 2,562 government document e‐books.