4.a, 4.b Data are not available for central library but are available for law, marine and medical libraries.
Medical library includes print serials only. E‐serialsaccessedonlythroughaggregatorsarenot
8, 13 Includes computer files in medical library.
15.b Medical library figure includes only print titles.
15.c Includes medical library expenditures for electronic serials.
17.a Excludes salaries of the university librarian and directors of the law and medical libraries includes
salaries of non‐librarianprofessionalsincentrallibrary.
17.c Excludes wages for student assistants subsidized by the School of Business Administration.
21‐25 Marine library expenditures for electronic materials are not available.
24 2003‐04figurerevisedto$372,543asIThardwarepurchasesof$81,480forthecentrallibraryʹs
information commons were omitted. 2004‐05figureincludes$339,959forcomputerequipment
purchased for the Weeks Music Library and Technology Center that opened in January 2005 and
$185,795 for hardware purchased for the central libraryʹsinformationcommons.
29, 30 Business library was double‐countedin2003‐04 figures revised to (29) 3,487 (30) 18,324. Medical
library count includes only group presentations in 2004‐05butincludedindividualinstruction
sessions as well in 2003‐04.
31 Reference transactions for marine and architecture libraries are unavailable.
31.a Reference transaction totals are based on samples in law and medical libraries. For central library
reference transactions are enumerations for all service points except special collections, which is
based on sampling.
Includes the Bentley Historical Library, William L. Clements Library, Law Library, Kresge Business
Administration Library, and the Univeristy Library. Excludes the libraries at University of
Includes Main Library, Law Library, Biomedical and Physical Sciences Library, Business Library,
Engineering Library, Geology Library, International Center Library, Math Library, Planning and
Design Library, and the Veterinary Medical Center Library. Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to
4,670,003 to include e‐books(NetLibraryandgovernmentdocuments).
4, 15.b Main Library includes monographic series, whose counts and expenditures cannot be
15.c The Main Library expenditures are included in monograph expenditures (15a) and current serials
expenditures (15b). Figure includes the Law Library only.
15.d Main Library includes expenditures for ILL Reserve $85,780 CRL Reserve $43,215.
22 Increase due to the conversion of large numbers of journals from print‐basedpricingtoamodel
where the online version is the basis of the subscription.
23.a Main Library figure reflects significant savings achieved from 2003‐04duetoreductionsin
telecomm and searching costs.
23.b The MSU Libraries have access to a large number of electronic resources from several vendors
through the Michigan eLibrary. These resources are provided to all residents of the State of
Michigan through academic, school, and public libraries. Thus, meaningful figures on MSUʹs
financial share of the total expenditure are unavailable.
Excludes the University of Minnesota coordinate campus libraries: University of Minnesota
4.a, 4.b Data are not available for central library but are available for law, marine and medical libraries.
Medical library includes print serials only. E‐serialsaccessedonlythroughaggregatorsarenot
8, 13 Includes computer files in medical library.
15.b Medical library figure includes only print titles.
15.c Includes medical library expenditures for electronic serials.
17.a Excludes salaries of the university librarian and directors of the law and medical libraries includes
salaries of non‐librarianprofessionalsincentrallibrary.
17.c Excludes wages for student assistants subsidized by the School of Business Administration.
21‐25 Marine library expenditures for electronic materials are not available.
24 2003‐04figurerevisedto$372,543asIThardwarepurchasesof$81,480forthecentrallibraryʹs
information commons were omitted. 2004‐05figureincludes$339,959forcomputerequipment
purchased for the Weeks Music Library and Technology Center that opened in January 2005 and
$185,795 for hardware purchased for the central libraryʹsinformationcommons.
29, 30 Business library was double‐countedin2003‐04 figures revised to (29) 3,487 (30) 18,324. Medical
library count includes only group presentations in 2004‐05butincludedindividualinstruction
sessions as well in 2003‐04.
31 Reference transactions for marine and architecture libraries are unavailable.
31.a Reference transaction totals are based on samples in law and medical libraries. For central library
reference transactions are enumerations for all service points except special collections, which is
based on sampling.
Includes the Bentley Historical Library, William L. Clements Library, Law Library, Kresge Business
Administration Library, and the Univeristy Library. Excludes the libraries at University of
Includes Main Library, Law Library, Biomedical and Physical Sciences Library, Business Library,
Engineering Library, Geology Library, International Center Library, Math Library, Planning and
Design Library, and the Veterinary Medical Center Library. Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to
4,670,003 to include e‐books(NetLibraryandgovernmentdocuments).
4, 15.b Main Library includes monographic series, whose counts and expenditures cannot be
15.c The Main Library expenditures are included in monograph expenditures (15a) and current serials
expenditures (15b). Figure includes the Law Library only.
15.d Main Library includes expenditures for ILL Reserve $85,780 CRL Reserve $43,215.
22 Increase due to the conversion of large numbers of journals from print‐basedpricingtoamodel
where the online version is the basis of the subscription.
23.a Main Library figure reflects significant savings achieved from 2003‐04duetoreductionsin
telecomm and searching costs.
23.b The MSU Libraries have access to a large number of electronic resources from several vendors
through the Michigan eLibrary. These resources are provided to all residents of the State of
Michigan through academic, school, and public libraries. Thus, meaningful figures on MSUʹs
financial share of the total expenditure are unavailable.
Excludes the University of Minnesota coordinate campus libraries: University of Minnesota