and the Center for Library and Instructional Computing Services. The Biomedical Library and
Medical Center Library statistics are combined for the Health Sciences Library Survey. Volumes
held June 30, 2004 revised to 3,071,461 to include 68,826 e‐books.
1.b.i Includes 34,612 e‐booksaddedin2004‐05.
2 Excludes 10,470 e‐bookspurchasedforalllibraries,includingtheHealthSciences.
11 Withdrew 31,000 slides from the librariesʹcollections.
15.b Includes monographs and publisher series. Includes all formats. Includes electronic databases
subscribed to annually.
21 Increase due to the addition of a back run of Web of Science.
27 Service points closed/merged to accommodate temporary move into the main library building
during construction of the Biomedical Library: maps to reference biomedical to periodicals.
32, 34 2003‐04figuresrevisedto(32)495,031 (34) 60,850.
4.b Figure reflects proper counting of e‐journalsreceivedinlicensedpackagesthroughaconsortium.
15.c Included in monograph expenditures (15a).
23.a Decrease due to prepayment of OCLC charges for 2005 that were made in 2004.
1.b.ii Major weeding project undertaken at the School of Applied Social Sciences Library in conjunction
with reclassification of the collection from Dewey to L.C.
8 Major weeding of out‐of‐dateandunusableformattedmaterialsattheSchoolofAppliedSocial
Sciences library.
15.d Includes: Dialog ($632) CNI membership ($5,800) ICPSR membership ($12,730) ARL membership
($20,150) SPARC membership ($5,000) TEI membership ($1,000) CLIR membership ($3,500)
Theses ($17,592) Council on Social Work Education membership ($380).
15.a, 15.b In 2004‐05CRLstoppedearlyrenewalofserialsubscriptionsforthedissertationexchanges. The
cost of these subscriptions had always been counted as the cost to receive the dissertation
monographs. However, since early renewal was done in 2004 for 2005, monographs expenditures
for 2005 appear to have decreased.
John Crerar Library is a central science library with a biomedical collection for health sciences
many numbers are percentages as a result. Data for the ARL survey are matched as closely as
possible to data compiled and reported for the Association of Academic Health Sciences Librariesʹ
(AAHSL) Annual Statistics of Medical School Libraries in the United States and Canada. Volumes
held June 30, 2004 was adjusted to 7,205,924 to include 81,545 volumes that were undercounted
during the period 2000‐04.
2 Approximately 66% of this total represents a title count.
8‐10,12,13 Excludes unprocessed and partially processed items.
21, 22 The increase in computer files and decrease in subscriptions represents an emphasis on backfiles
and other one‐timepurchases,ashifttowardthepurchaseofpackagesratherthansubscriptions
when that option exists and continued refinement of our internal categorizations.
23.a Includes standard ongoing operating costs only.
23.b Figure is estimated.
and the Center for Library and Instructional Computing Services. The Biomedical Library and
Medical Center Library statistics are combined for the Health Sciences Library Survey. Volumes
held June 30, 2004 revised to 3,071,461 to include 68,826 e‐books.
1.b.i Includes 34,612 e‐booksaddedin2004‐05.
2 Excludes 10,470 e‐bookspurchasedforalllibraries,includingtheHealthSciences.
11 Withdrew 31,000 slides from the librariesʹcollections.
15.b Includes monographs and publisher series. Includes all formats. Includes electronic databases
subscribed to annually.
21 Increase due to the addition of a back run of Web of Science.
27 Service points closed/merged to accommodate temporary move into the main library building
during construction of the Biomedical Library: maps to reference biomedical to periodicals.
32, 34 2003‐04figuresrevisedto(32)495,031 (34) 60,850.
4.b Figure reflects proper counting of e‐journalsreceivedinlicensedpackagesthroughaconsortium.
15.c Included in monograph expenditures (15a).
23.a Decrease due to prepayment of OCLC charges for 2005 that were made in 2004.
1.b.ii Major weeding project undertaken at the School of Applied Social Sciences Library in conjunction
with reclassification of the collection from Dewey to L.C.
8 Major weeding of out‐of‐dateandunusableformattedmaterialsattheSchoolofAppliedSocial
Sciences library.
15.d Includes: Dialog ($632) CNI membership ($5,800) ICPSR membership ($12,730) ARL membership
($20,150) SPARC membership ($5,000) TEI membership ($1,000) CLIR membership ($3,500)
Theses ($17,592) Council on Social Work Education membership ($380).
15.a, 15.b In 2004‐05CRLstoppedearlyrenewalofserialsubscriptionsforthedissertationexchanges. The
cost of these subscriptions had always been counted as the cost to receive the dissertation
monographs. However, since early renewal was done in 2004 for 2005, monographs expenditures
for 2005 appear to have decreased.
John Crerar Library is a central science library with a biomedical collection for health sciences
many numbers are percentages as a result. Data for the ARL survey are matched as closely as
possible to data compiled and reported for the Association of Academic Health Sciences Librariesʹ
(AAHSL) Annual Statistics of Medical School Libraries in the United States and Canada. Volumes
held June 30, 2004 was adjusted to 7,205,924 to include 81,545 volumes that were undercounted
during the period 2000‐04.
2 Approximately 66% of this total represents a title count.
8‐10,12,13 Excludes unprocessed and partially processed items.
21, 22 The increase in computer files and decrease in subscriptions represents an emphasis on backfiles
and other one‐timepurchases,ashifttowardthepurchaseofpackagesratherthansubscriptions
when that option exists and continued refinement of our internal categorizations.
23.a Includes standard ongoing operating costs only.
23.b Figure is estimated.