15.c Data are included in monograph expenditures (15a).
Volumes held June 30, 2004 adjusted to reflect the true number of volumes on hand. A conversion
of government documents to volumes using the ARL guidelines was initially reported in 1991‐92
however, in subsequent years a combination of reporting both pieces and volumes has occurred. A
thorough review of all records pertaining to government documents has been completed and in
March of 2005 the correct number of volumes and government document pieces as of June 30, 2004
was determined. As of 2004‐05allgovernmentdocumentsresidingintheGovernment
Information unit will be reported as volumes.
4 Increase due to the addition of new electronic serials titles.
7 Figure adjusted to reflect the true number of items on hand as of June 30, 2004. As of 2004‐2005all
government documents residing in the Government Information unit will be reported as volumes.
15.b The Library prepaid serials for the Main Library in the amount of $503,495 in 2003‐04.
17.c Expenditures in this category dropped by 27.78% due to a reduction in project oriented activities
(i.e. collections shifts) and a reduction in the need for typical student employment tasks in public
services such as the re‐shelvingofbooksduetoareductioninthenumberofcirculationsof
physical items.
33 As the number of items available to patrons online increases, the circulation of printed material
1.b Fewer backlog and gift items were cataloged government publications also decreased.
17.a Accumulation of unfilled vacancies due to tight budgets in the previous two years.
17.c Streamlining and reorganization led to less reliance on student employees.
21, 23.b, 24, 38 2003‐04figureswereincorrect.
Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 6,812,576 to reflect a unit added for 2003‐04.
1.b.i Decrease due to migration preparation and the transition to a new ILS.
1.b.ii There was an increase in the number of items discarded in lieu of deposit.
6 2003‐04figurerevisedto6,135,957.
21‐25 Law and Health Sciences figures cannot be disaggregated from the Main Library.
24 Decrease due to the cyclical nature of these purchases.
34, 35 Includes Main Library only.
4.b Increase due to centrally funded electronic serials for the UC Digital Library.
22 2003‐04figurerevisedto$2,067,533duetocentrallyallocatedfundsthatwereinadvertently
32, 33 2003‐04figuresrevisedto(32)194,291 (33) 265,554 due to reserve circulations that were
inadvertently included.
UCSD has several libraries on the main campus which, for this survey, are grouped under the
name of Geisel Libraries. This includes: The Social Sciences and Humanities Library, The Arts
Libraries, The Science and Engineering Library, The Scripps Institution of Oceanography Library,
The International Relations and Pacific Studies Library, The Mandeville Special Collections Library
15.c Data are included in monograph expenditures (15a).
Volumes held June 30, 2004 adjusted to reflect the true number of volumes on hand. A conversion
of government documents to volumes using the ARL guidelines was initially reported in 1991‐92
however, in subsequent years a combination of reporting both pieces and volumes has occurred. A
thorough review of all records pertaining to government documents has been completed and in
March of 2005 the correct number of volumes and government document pieces as of June 30, 2004
was determined. As of 2004‐05allgovernmentdocumentsresidingintheGovernment
Information unit will be reported as volumes.
4 Increase due to the addition of new electronic serials titles.
7 Figure adjusted to reflect the true number of items on hand as of June 30, 2004. As of 2004‐2005all
government documents residing in the Government Information unit will be reported as volumes.
15.b The Library prepaid serials for the Main Library in the amount of $503,495 in 2003‐04.
17.c Expenditures in this category dropped by 27.78% due to a reduction in project oriented activities
(i.e. collections shifts) and a reduction in the need for typical student employment tasks in public
services such as the re‐shelvingofbooksduetoareductioninthenumberofcirculationsof
physical items.
33 As the number of items available to patrons online increases, the circulation of printed material
1.b Fewer backlog and gift items were cataloged government publications also decreased.
17.a Accumulation of unfilled vacancies due to tight budgets in the previous two years.
17.c Streamlining and reorganization led to less reliance on student employees.
21, 23.b, 24, 38 2003‐04figureswereincorrect.
Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 6,812,576 to reflect a unit added for 2003‐04.
1.b.i Decrease due to migration preparation and the transition to a new ILS.
1.b.ii There was an increase in the number of items discarded in lieu of deposit.
6 2003‐04figurerevisedto6,135,957.
21‐25 Law and Health Sciences figures cannot be disaggregated from the Main Library.
24 Decrease due to the cyclical nature of these purchases.
34, 35 Includes Main Library only.
4.b Increase due to centrally funded electronic serials for the UC Digital Library.
22 2003‐04figurerevisedto$2,067,533duetocentrallyallocatedfundsthatwereinadvertently
32, 33 2003‐04figuresrevisedto(32)194,291 (33) 265,554 due to reserve circulations that were
inadvertently included.
UCSD has several libraries on the main campus which, for this survey, are grouped under the
name of Geisel Libraries. This includes: The Social Sciences and Humanities Library, The Arts
Libraries, The Science and Engineering Library, The Scripps Institution of Oceanography Library,
The International Relations and Pacific Studies Library, The Mandeville Special Collections Library