36 2003‐04figurerevisedto299.
4.b Increase reflects the number of electronic journals not purchased, as reported on the 2004‐05 ARL
Supplementary Statistics.
15 Includes $142,890 in research funds and grants.
16 Includes $4,612 in funds from NYS preservation grant.
17 Figure includes librarians and other professionals.
38 Figure includes Health Sciences Center.
Includes Science and Technology, Physics, Geology, and Law libraries.
15.c, 23.a, 23.b Includes Law Library only.
Main campus libraries include Paley, Engineering &Architecture, Charles L. Blockson Afro‐
American Collection, Chemistry, Mathematical Sciences, Physics, Zahn, and Law. Branch campus
libraries include Ambler, Tyler School of Art, Harrisburg, and the Health Sciences Center.
Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 2,449,753 to include 551 records added for a portion of the
Arabic collection.
1.b.i Decrease due to not binding print versions of ScienceDirect journals, as well as other titles for
which we receive print and electronic versions. Decrease also due to a high number of bound
journal volumes in 2003‐04,whichresultedfromatemporarybindinghalt.
2 2003‐04figurerevisedto31,183duetoincorrectreportingbytheMainLibrary.
4 Increases reflect improved method of counting e‐journals.
7 Government documents received and cataloged during 2004‐05arecountedunder(1bi). There
was no retrospective conversion done on government documents during 2004‐05.
17.a Half of development officer salary is paid by central development office.
17.b Includes expenditure for staffing security desk at main library, funded by University budget.
17.c Increased number of student assistants and raised wages.
21 Major purchases of backfiles and e‐books,includingRoyalSocietyofChemistry,Nature,Webof
Sciences, Alexander Street Press, and Readex.
23.a Figures more precisely exclude expenditures for user access to consortial databases.
23.b Estimated benefit share of state‐fundeddatabases(AccessPA).
26.a Decrease reflects narrower interpretation of ʺprofessional.ʺ
26.b Increase reflects narrower interpretation of ʺprofessionalʺ in (26a). Includes security guard for
main library, funded by University budget.
36 A number of PhDs that were not completed at the conclusion of 2003‐04werecompletedearlyin
Includes the University of Tennesse Knoxville, Law Library, and Social Work Branch in Nashville
the Preston Medical Center Library the UT Space Institute in Tullahoma, TN and the University of
Tennessee at Memphis.
4.a Decrease due to a revised interpretation for counting serials purchased.
36 2003‐04figurerevisedto299.
4.b Increase reflects the number of electronic journals not purchased, as reported on the 2004‐05 ARL
Supplementary Statistics.
15 Includes $142,890 in research funds and grants.
16 Includes $4,612 in funds from NYS preservation grant.
17 Figure includes librarians and other professionals.
38 Figure includes Health Sciences Center.
Includes Science and Technology, Physics, Geology, and Law libraries.
15.c, 23.a, 23.b Includes Law Library only.
Main campus libraries include Paley, Engineering &Architecture, Charles L. Blockson Afro‐
American Collection, Chemistry, Mathematical Sciences, Physics, Zahn, and Law. Branch campus
libraries include Ambler, Tyler School of Art, Harrisburg, and the Health Sciences Center.
Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 2,449,753 to include 551 records added for a portion of the
Arabic collection.
1.b.i Decrease due to not binding print versions of ScienceDirect journals, as well as other titles for
which we receive print and electronic versions. Decrease also due to a high number of bound
journal volumes in 2003‐04,whichresultedfromatemporarybindinghalt.
2 2003‐04figurerevisedto31,183duetoincorrectreportingbytheMainLibrary.
4 Increases reflect improved method of counting e‐journals.
7 Government documents received and cataloged during 2004‐05arecountedunder(1bi). There
was no retrospective conversion done on government documents during 2004‐05.
17.a Half of development officer salary is paid by central development office.
17.b Includes expenditure for staffing security desk at main library, funded by University budget.
17.c Increased number of student assistants and raised wages.
21 Major purchases of backfiles and e‐books,includingRoyalSocietyofChemistry,Nature,Webof
Sciences, Alexander Street Press, and Readex.
23.a Figures more precisely exclude expenditures for user access to consortial databases.
23.b Estimated benefit share of state‐fundeddatabases(AccessPA).
26.a Decrease reflects narrower interpretation of ʺprofessional.ʺ
26.b Increase reflects narrower interpretation of ʺprofessionalʺ in (26a). Includes security guard for
main library, funded by University budget.
36 A number of PhDs that were not completed at the conclusion of 2003‐04werecompletedearlyin
Includes the University of Tennesse Knoxville, Law Library, and Social Work Branch in Nashville
the Preston Medical Center Library the UT Space Institute in Tullahoma, TN and the University of
Tennessee at Memphis.
4.a Decrease due to a revised interpretation for counting serials purchased.