Includes Bapst Art Library, John J Burns Library of Rare Books and Special Collections,
Educational Resource Center, and the School of Social Work Library.
2, 8, 21 OʹNeillLibrarydoesnotcollectthisinformation.
4, 4.a 2003‐04figurerevisedto(4a)35,896 (4) 49,074 to reflect proper counting of e‐journals.
8 Figure reflects the Law Library only.
Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 7,443,759.
All figures reflect the status of collections and expenditures as of December 31, 2004.
8 Figure includes Law Library only.
9 Reassessment of Special Collections has resulted in a dramatic increase in linear feet being
occupied by manuscripts and archives.
All figures are as of March 31, 2005 and include the following libraries: Applied Sciences,
Archaeology, Architecture, Asian, Biomedical Branch, BʹnaiBʹrith,BotanicalGarden,Integrated
Computer Systems Research, Centre for Teaching and Academic Growth, Coolie Verner (Adult
Education), Crane Resources Centre, David Lam Management Library, Earth &Ocean Sciences,
Education, Fine Arts, First Nations House of Learning, Geographic Information Centre, Hamber,
Language Education Resource Centre, Law, MacMillan, Main, Mathematics, Music, Museum of
Anthropology, Psychiatry RR, Psychoed IC, Rare Books &Special Collections, Regent Carey
College, Robson Square, Science &Engineering, St.MarkʹsCollege,St.PaulʹsHospital,TRIUMF,
University Archives, Vancouver School of Theology, Walter C. Koerner Library, Woodward.
Medical and Law Library statistics cannot be disaggregated from the Main statistics. Volumes held
June 30, 2004 revised to 5,437,678 to include the purchase of 229,837 e‐booksin2004‐05.
1.b.i Decrease reflects a change in major monograph vendor and processing methods.
15‐25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15a) $2,461,684 (15b) $10,537,532 (15c) $767,193
(15d) $972,890 (15) $14,739,299 (16) $191,702 (17a) $7,438,156 (17b) $7,307,198 (17c) $1,294,241
(17) $16,039,595 (19) $3,044,360 (20) $34,014,956 (21) $262,768 (22) $6,545,364 (23a) $44,367 (23b)
$0 (24) UA/NA (25) $212,197.
22 Transition to online program.
33 Decrease reflects the different way in which Voyager manages renewals, and a change in loan
period for grad students decreased number of renewals.
38 Excludes deans and faculty on disability benefits.
Includes Rockefeller, Sciences, John Hay, Orwig Music, Artslide, and John Carter Brown libraries.
Medical Library statistics cannot be disaggregated from the main because the Medical collection is
an integral part of the Sciences Library. Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 3,383,362 to include
156,094 electronic books.
3 Basis of volume count is both physical and bibliographic since electronic books have been added.
19 2003‐04figurerevisedto$2,007,720.
Volumes held June 30, 2004 revised to 9,828,970.
4 Increase due to an increase in the number of print subscriptions, and also due to shared
subscriptions being included for the first time.
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