24 Increase due to a significant upgrade of staff hardware.
29, 30, 32 Data unavailable for Law Library.
All figures are as of August 31, 2005 and include the University of Texas Libraries, the Center for
American History, the Tarlton Law Library, and the Humanities Research Center. Volumes held
June 30, 2004 revised to 8,814,148 to include e‐books,includingnetLibrary,EighteenthCentury
Collections Online, Early English Books Online, and Gale Virtual Reference Library.
1.b Decrease due to withdrawals from both Law and UT Libraries.
2 Includes 43,921 monographic volumes purchased by the University Libraries, 188 by the Center for
American History, 3,301 by the Tarlton Law Library, and 2,306 by the Humanities Research Center.
4.a Includes 20,650 serials purchased by the University Libraries (13,933 print and 6,717 electronic),
108 by the Center for American History, 5,496 by the Tarlton Law Library, and 179 by the
Humanities Research Center.
4.b Includes 17,364 serials received but not purchased by the University Libraries (9,045 print and
8,319 electronic), 198 by the Center for American History, 2,826 by the Tarlton Law Library, and 36
by the Humanities Research Center.
15 Includes expenditures of $10,590,602 by the University Libraries, $49,109 by the Center for
American History, $1,173,643 by the Tarlton Law Library, and $1,336,040 by the Humanities
Research Center.
15.a Includes expenditures of $3,397,307 by the University Libraries, $4,850 by the Center for American
History, $224,981 by the Tarlton Law Library, and $57,466 by the Humanities Research Center.
15.b Includes expenditures of $6,946,054 by the University Libraries, $5,862 by the Center for American
History, $891,570 by the Tarlton Law Library, and $18,681 by the Humanities Research Center.
15.c Includes expenditures of $246,650 by the University Libraries, $38,397 by the Center for American
History, $57,092 by the Tarlton Law Library, and $1,259,893 by the Humanities Research Center.
15.d Includes expenditures of $591 by the University Libraries.
17, 19, 26 Salaries, wages and other operating expenditures reflect increased expenditures for staff and
content development for UTopia, an outreach service to the citizens of the State of Texas. Total
staff (26) includes 1.5 FTE staff hired on grant funds.
17.c Includes federal work‐studyfunds.
30 Includes 34,614 users of online tutorial.
36 Does not include Ed.D degrees.
Volumes held August 31, 2004 revised to 3,331,124 to reflect the addition of 20,284 records for
electronic packages.
4.a Increase is a result of changing software that allows for a more accurate count of serials offered
7 Figures unavailable for branch libraries.
15.b Databases were counted under Other Library Materials (15c) in 2003‐04. The change or
clarification of the term moved the expenditure to (15b) in 2004‐05.
15.d Bibliographic utilities are included as Miscellaneous (15d) for 2004‐05 were previously reported
erroneously under Other Operating Expenditures (19).
22 Increase due to some materials being reclassified from databases to serials.
23a, 23b 2003‐04figuresfortheseitemsshouldbereversed.
24 Increase due to a significant upgrade of staff hardware.
29, 30, 32 Data unavailable for Law Library.
All figures are as of August 31, 2005 and include the University of Texas Libraries, the Center for
American History, the Tarlton Law Library, and the Humanities Research Center. Volumes held
June 30, 2004 revised to 8,814,148 to include e‐books,includingnetLibrary,EighteenthCentury
Collections Online, Early English Books Online, and Gale Virtual Reference Library.
1.b Decrease due to withdrawals from both Law and UT Libraries.
2 Includes 43,921 monographic volumes purchased by the University Libraries, 188 by the Center for
American History, 3,301 by the Tarlton Law Library, and 2,306 by the Humanities Research Center.
4.a Includes 20,650 serials purchased by the University Libraries (13,933 print and 6,717 electronic),
108 by the Center for American History, 5,496 by the Tarlton Law Library, and 179 by the
Humanities Research Center.
4.b Includes 17,364 serials received but not purchased by the University Libraries (9,045 print and
8,319 electronic), 198 by the Center for American History, 2,826 by the Tarlton Law Library, and 36
by the Humanities Research Center.
15 Includes expenditures of $10,590,602 by the University Libraries, $49,109 by the Center for
American History, $1,173,643 by the Tarlton Law Library, and $1,336,040 by the Humanities
Research Center.
15.a Includes expenditures of $3,397,307 by the University Libraries, $4,850 by the Center for American
History, $224,981 by the Tarlton Law Library, and $57,466 by the Humanities Research Center.
15.b Includes expenditures of $6,946,054 by the University Libraries, $5,862 by the Center for American
History, $891,570 by the Tarlton Law Library, and $18,681 by the Humanities Research Center.
15.c Includes expenditures of $246,650 by the University Libraries, $38,397 by the Center for American
History, $57,092 by the Tarlton Law Library, and $1,259,893 by the Humanities Research Center.
15.d Includes expenditures of $591 by the University Libraries.
17, 19, 26 Salaries, wages and other operating expenditures reflect increased expenditures for staff and
content development for UTopia, an outreach service to the citizens of the State of Texas. Total
staff (26) includes 1.5 FTE staff hired on grant funds.
17.c Includes federal work‐studyfunds.
30 Includes 34,614 users of online tutorial.
36 Does not include Ed.D degrees.
Volumes held August 31, 2004 revised to 3,331,124 to reflect the addition of 20,284 records for
electronic packages.
4.a Increase is a result of changing software that allows for a more accurate count of serials offered
7 Figures unavailable for branch libraries.
15.b Databases were counted under Other Library Materials (15c) in 2003‐04. The change or
clarification of the term moved the expenditure to (15b) in 2004‐05.
15.d Bibliographic utilities are included as Miscellaneous (15d) for 2004‐05 were previously reported
erroneously under Other Operating Expenditures (19).
22 Increase due to some materials being reclassified from databases to serials.
23a, 23b 2003‐04figuresfortheseitemsshouldbereversed.