SPEC Kit 306: Promoting the Library · 97
70. Of the channels used above, which were most effective? N=5
“Combination of all produced results.”
“New student orientation, classroom instruction, and new student lounge in instructional services office.”
“Paper mailing.”
“Participation in university events. Giveaway bags.”
“Sponsoring a brunch with poster displays and ‘meet your librarian’ opportunity.”
71. What was most challenging about this promotion effort? N=5
“A huge event requiring extra time on the part of all staff.”
“Compiling the mailing list!”
“Costly (but worth it).”
“Getting organized in time &coordinating all branch libraries.”
“Make our libraries known to the largest group of students possible.”
Awareness of Equipment and Technology
72. Briefly describe the activity that was undertaken to reach this objective. Was a tagline or slogan
developed for this campaign? N=4
Yes 0
No 4 100%
Did Not Develop a Tagline or Slogan
“News releases, Web-based announcements, posters, meeting presentations, library instruction via the
“Ongoing campus-wide promotional campaign carried out through library Web site news features, campus
e-newsletters and print publications, the library’s student e-newsletter, Library Lowdown, and other mechanisms
listed in the checklist below. We also promote availability of equipment and technology in the library to donor
for fundraising and support initiatives. We have a donor publication, Building Knowledge, that profiles these
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