22 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Respondent 18
Promotion activities occur on an ad hoc basis One library staff member has library promotion as part of his/her job
description Each unit/department/library handles promotion activities individually Promotion activities are centralized
in one unit/department
Communication and publications are the responsibilities of a handful of librarians and full-time staff members.
It is written into their job descriptions. Generally department heads make decisions on needed promotion for
specific events or collections and gather resources as needed. The Communications/Public Affairs Associate (in
Undergraduate Information Services and Programs Department, reports to the Undergraduate Programs Librarian)
has library promotion as part of his/her job description. There are designated persons within the libraries with
expertise that is specific to signage, brochures, Web design, etc. For example, Public Services has a staff member
who assists with desktop design for signage and a librarian with a talent for graphic design provides library-wide
support. The appropriate person is then consulted with the project. Promotion activities are centralized in the
Undergraduate Information Services and Programs and coordinated by the Undergraduate Programs Librarian
who reports to the Associate Director of Public Services.
Respondent 19
One library staff member has library promotion as part of his/her job description Each unit/department/library handles
promotion activities individually A library committee or taskforce is responsible for promotion activities
The Reference, Instruction, &Outreach Librarian (in Reference Department, reports to the Coordinator of
Reference) has library promotion as part of his/her job description. Our second library, Eckles, sends their
Outreach Coordinator to the Outreach Group meetings that occur weekly. We work together for Gelman’s
Outreach initiatives, and Eckles participates within that. However, they also have their own goals and priorities
that they are marketing towards.
Respondent 20
Promotion activities occur on an ad hoc basis One library staff member has library promotion as part of his/her job
description Each unit/department/library handles promotion activities individually
Both classified staff (Web support, print and Web designers) and librarians (primarily for content) are involved.
The AUL for Campus Engagement, Communication and Community Outreach (in Administration, reports to
the University Librarian) has library promotion as part of his/her job description. We have recently reorganized
to focus more attention on outreach and promotion. We expect to enhance the coordination and quantity of
promotional activities. We expect to have a standing committee to coordinate the activity. Two positions currently
include promotion as part of the job description.
Respondent 21
Promotion activities occur on an ad hoc basis One library staff member has library promotion as part of his/her job
description Each unit/department/library handles promotion activities individually
Reference, special collections and development staff are usually involved. Even or project coordinators designate
people to develop promotional material. The Reference Librarian/Graphics Artist (in Reference, reports to the
Head of Reference) has library promotion as part of his/her job description. Coordination is limited to using the
Libraries logo on flyers, etc.
Respondent 22
One library staff member has library promotion as part of his/her job description Each unit/department/library handles
promotion activities individually A library committee or taskforce is responsible for promotion activities
The Senior Communications Officer (in Organizational Services, reports to the Director, Organizational Services)
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