100 · Representative Documents: Collection Management Strategies
Collection Development and Management Policy
issues of repair, replacement, and reformatting in accordance with recognized standards and priorities of consortial
Collection Retention and Disposition:
Materials are periodically withdrawn from campus libraries in order to maintain the integrity of collections and
effective use of resources (e.g., superseded, deteriorating, or duplicated items or resources available from another
Collection Development Librarians:
The UW-Madison libraries divide responsibilities for building and managing collections among a number of
librarians, each of whom is responsible for one or more subject areas. These librarians, or selectors, determine which
books, periodicals, electronic information, and other resources should be acquired or licensed by the libraries.
Selectors' decisions are made on the basis of their knowledge of current curriculum needs, faculty research interests,
research and publication trends in the relevant subject areas, and the strengths and weaknesses of the collections and
other information resources already provided by the libraries. Communication between the selectors and the faculty is
essential in developing library resources which both meet current needs and anticipate near- and long-term
modifications in teaching and research programs.
L. Pitschmann January 27, 1999
Return to the Selectors Homepage
Collection Development and Management Policy
issues of repair, replacement, and reformatting in accordance with recognized standards and priorities of consortial
Collection Retention and Disposition:
Materials are periodically withdrawn from campus libraries in order to maintain the integrity of collections and
effective use of resources (e.g., superseded, deteriorating, or duplicated items or resources available from another
Collection Development Librarians:
The UW-Madison libraries divide responsibilities for building and managing collections among a number of
librarians, each of whom is responsible for one or more subject areas. These librarians, or selectors, determine which
books, periodicals, electronic information, and other resources should be acquired or licensed by the libraries.
Selectors' decisions are made on the basis of their knowledge of current curriculum needs, faculty research interests,
research and publication trends in the relevant subject areas, and the strengths and weaknesses of the collections and
other information resources already provided by the libraries. Communication between the selectors and the faculty is
essential in developing library resources which both meet current needs and anticipate near- and long-term
modifications in teaching and research programs.
L. Pitschmann January 27, 1999
Return to the Selectors Homepage