SPEC Kit 329: Managing Born-Digital Special Collections and Archival Materials · 73
Manage and Provide Access
CONTENTdm. Archivematica and ICA-AtoM being piloted.
Hathi Trust
Institutional records: OnBase. Personal materials: We are simply storing at the moment and not providing unmediated
access due to lack of a repository for storing this material.
Shared Shelf
The original preservation copies of born-digital records are stored in a secure content management environment, the
Electronic Records Archive. Those original copies are managed in archival storage and not accessed by the public. We
make reference or public access copies of born-digital records and provide access to them either on hard media (for
direct reference requests) or place the access versions of the files on the Online Public Access (OPA) web servers. Users
can then search OPA and view and/or download the reference copies of born-digital records.
Fedora repository is under development.
Provide Access
Bepress Digital Commons
We use CONTENTdm for access. While this isn’t always considered a repository system, this is the nearest fit on the
survey. (We also referred to it as a repository system in question 14.)
Other Comments
CONTENTdm is used now to provide access to select born-digital materials however, it is a short-term solution as we
evaluate platforms such as Merritt that can provide both preservation and access.
Duraspace (Fedora)
Medical Center Archives does not currently have a digital repository system, but development is underway.
Open Source repository software with SobekCM
VuFind with Solr Active Fedora stack with Blacklight, Solr
We are currently transitioning from a secure file system storage with no access to a Fedora-based repository system.
21. Are different types of repositories used for different types of born-digital materials? N=60
Yes 38 63%
No 22 37%
If yes, please briefly describe which type of repository is used for which type of material. N=36
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