SPEC Kit 329: Managing Born-Digital Special Collections and Archival Materials · 19
teams that describe how responsibilities are assigned
and decisions are made collaboratively.
Survey responses indicate that best practices will
take some time to develop: infrastructure, systems,
and tools are in development libraries continue to
experiment with organizational models to find those
that will be most effective to manage born-digital,
primary-source materials and the variety of record
formats continues to grow. While several libraries
and archives have developed scalable solutions that
work within their own context, few of the solutions
developed to date have been transferable between
institutions. Waiting for time-tested systems and prac-
tices, however, is not an option. For now we need to
settle for “good enough” practice and continue to
invest time and resources in developing systems and
workflows that will prevent a “digital dark age” for
the first part of the 21st century.
teams that describe how responsibilities are assigned
and decisions are made collaboratively.
Survey responses indicate that best practices will
take some time to develop: infrastructure, systems,
and tools are in development libraries continue to
experiment with organizational models to find those
that will be most effective to manage born-digital,
primary-source materials and the variety of record
formats continues to grow. While several libraries
and archives have developed scalable solutions that
work within their own context, few of the solutions
developed to date have been transferable between
institutions. Waiting for time-tested systems and prac-
tices, however, is not an option. For now we need to
settle for “good enough” practice and continue to
invest time and resources in developing systems and
workflows that will prevent a “digital dark age” for
the first part of the 21st century.