30 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Currently Collect
Excel spreadsheets
Illustrator, InDesign files (design production files), iMovie project files
Music scores. Outside of Special Collections, the institutional repository collects born-digital moving images, video
recordings, databases, texts, executable files, and GIS.
Posters and other graphic materials in digital form
Serials and monographs
Plan to Collect
Any materials we’ve collected in the past that are now in an electronic format.
Architectural design files (e.g., CAD)
Because we collect archival material from a variety of external people and organizations, it is difficult to predict exactly
what formats of born-digital material we may acquire in the future.
Much of this territory is still in discussion.
Oral histories
Research datasets
Additional Comments
Research data in various formats (.csv, XML, tab delimited, etc.)
Ingest Policies and Procedures
7. Has your library developed language for your gift/purchase agreements that is specific to born-
digital content? N=63
Yes 18 29%
No 45 71%
Answered Yes
Archives does not distinguish between traditional and digital records in this document. Our copyright statement is
inclusive of born-digital and digitized material.
Gift agreement includes a note regarding electronic records and requires the donor to agree that there are no other
copies of the e-records available elsewhere.
Currently Collect
Excel spreadsheets
Illustrator, InDesign files (design production files), iMovie project files
Music scores. Outside of Special Collections, the institutional repository collects born-digital moving images, video
recordings, databases, texts, executable files, and GIS.
Posters and other graphic materials in digital form
Serials and monographs
Plan to Collect
Any materials we’ve collected in the past that are now in an electronic format.
Architectural design files (e.g., CAD)
Because we collect archival material from a variety of external people and organizations, it is difficult to predict exactly
what formats of born-digital material we may acquire in the future.
Much of this territory is still in discussion.
Oral histories
Research datasets
Additional Comments
Research data in various formats (.csv, XML, tab delimited, etc.)
Ingest Policies and Procedures
7. Has your library developed language for your gift/purchase agreements that is specific to born-
digital content? N=63
Yes 18 29%
No 45 71%
Answered Yes
Archives does not distinguish between traditional and digital records in this document. Our copyright statement is
inclusive of born-digital and digitized material.
Gift agreement includes a note regarding electronic records and requires the donor to agree that there are no other
copies of the e-records available elsewhere.