SPEC Kit 329: Managing Born-Digital Special Collections and Archival Materials · 199
Journal Articles and Other Works
AIMS Working Group. 2012. AIMS Born-Digital Collections: An Inter-Institutional Model for Stewardship. http://
Authenticity Task Force. “Appendix 2: Requirements for Assessing and Maintaining the Authenticity
of Electronic Records.” In The Long-Term Preservation of Authentic Electronic Records: Findings of the
InterPARES Project, by the International Research on Permanent Authentic Records in Electronic
Systems (InterPARES Project), March 2002. http://www.interpares.org/book/interpares_book_k_
Bentley Historical Library. “Sustainable Formats and Conversion Strategies at the Bentley Historical Library.”
November 9, 2011. http://bentley.umich.edu/dchome/resources/BHL_PreservationStrategies_v01.pdf
Bradley, Kevin. “Defining Digital Sustainability.” Library Trends 56, no.1 (2007): 148–63.
Carroll, Laura, Erika Farr, Peter Hornsby, and Ben Ranker. “A Comprehensive Approach to Born-Digital
Archives.” Archivaria 72 (Fall 2011): 61–92.
City of Vanvouver Archives. “City of Vanvouver Digital Archives System Workflow v.1 (Fall 2010).” http://
Cunningham, Adrian. “Good Digital Records Don’t Just ‘Happen’: Embedding Recordkeeping as an Organic
Component of Business Processes and Systems.” Archivaria 71 (Spring 2011): 21–34.
Davis, Susan E. “Electronic Records Planning in ‘Collecting’ Repositories.” American Archivist 71 (Spring/
Summer 2008): 167–89.
Dooley, Jackie, and Katherine Luce. Taking Our Pulse: The OCLC Research Survey of Special Collections
and Archives. Dublin, OH: OCLC Research, 2010. http://www.oclc.org/research/publications/
Dow, Elizabeth H. Electronic Records in the Manuscript Repository. Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, 2009.
Erway, Ricky. “Defining ‘Born Digital’.” OCLC Research, November 2010. www.oclc.org/research/activities/
Ferguson-Boucher, Kirsten, and Nicole Convery. “Storing Information in the Cloud—A Research Project.”
Journal of the Society of Archivists 32, no. 2 (October 2011): 221–39.
Forstrom, Michael. “Managing Electronic Records in Manuscript Collections: A Case Study from the
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.” American Archivist 72, no. 2 (2009): 460–77.
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