SPEC Kit 329: Managing Born-Digital Special Collections and Archival Materials · 31
Gift agreements acknowledge the possibility despite the fact that it is not clear to me or our counsel why special
mention is necessary.
Language for gifts/purchases that include digital content is developed on a case-by-case basis.
Only for ETDs. Nothing yet for general donations of born-digital materials.
Only when applicable to the collection.
The language is an optional add-on to the existing donor agreements.
We have specific language in some of our agreements, but we have not yet standardized the language or created a set
of standard language that can be used for born-digital collections. We are working on standardizing our approach.
Answered No
But we are currently drafting such language.
In general, we feel that our regular agreements will cover most issues related to born-digital content. In the cases where
this is not the case we will customize these agreements to address specific issues.
In process of developing.
No, we are “media independent” in our deeds.
Our current licenses cover both digitally converted and born-digital content.
Our gift agreements already encompass most issues pertaining to the management of born-digital content, but not
language specific to born-digital content.
Our intake of born-digital materials is still small and is often linked with traditional analog collections.
Revision of gift/purchase agreements will be one focus area of the new Digital Special Collections Librarian.
So far, only ad hoc language for a single born-digital archival collection.
The agreement language has not yet been finalized, but it will be updated to reflect areas that were not as relevant to
paper materials.
This does need to be addressed for reasons of preservation/migration and also online access.
We did develop a special deed of gift for project involving solicitation of images and other born-digital content from the
community, because we were concerned that the casual way in which we were likely to receive content would reduce
our chances of getting donors to sign our standard form. Whether born-digital content is more likely to be donated
casually (i.e., the digital equivalent of being left on the doorstep) is hard to say at this point if it is, then this was an
adaptation to that quality.
We have amended some specific deeds of gift to allow for electronic publication of born-digital content, but this is very
rare so far.
We have begun the discussions to consider how to include those revisions.
We will be addressing this in the near future.
Working on gift agreement to include all types of media, including born-digital content.
Gift agreements acknowledge the possibility despite the fact that it is not clear to me or our counsel why special
mention is necessary.
Language for gifts/purchases that include digital content is developed on a case-by-case basis.
Only for ETDs. Nothing yet for general donations of born-digital materials.
Only when applicable to the collection.
The language is an optional add-on to the existing donor agreements.
We have specific language in some of our agreements, but we have not yet standardized the language or created a set
of standard language that can be used for born-digital collections. We are working on standardizing our approach.
Answered No
But we are currently drafting such language.
In general, we feel that our regular agreements will cover most issues related to born-digital content. In the cases where
this is not the case we will customize these agreements to address specific issues.
In process of developing.
No, we are “media independent” in our deeds.
Our current licenses cover both digitally converted and born-digital content.
Our gift agreements already encompass most issues pertaining to the management of born-digital content, but not
language specific to born-digital content.
Our intake of born-digital materials is still small and is often linked with traditional analog collections.
Revision of gift/purchase agreements will be one focus area of the new Digital Special Collections Librarian.
So far, only ad hoc language for a single born-digital archival collection.
The agreement language has not yet been finalized, but it will be updated to reflect areas that were not as relevant to
paper materials.
This does need to be addressed for reasons of preservation/migration and also online access.
We did develop a special deed of gift for project involving solicitation of images and other born-digital content from the
community, because we were concerned that the casual way in which we were likely to receive content would reduce
our chances of getting donors to sign our standard form. Whether born-digital content is more likely to be donated
casually (i.e., the digital equivalent of being left on the doorstep) is hard to say at this point if it is, then this was an
adaptation to that quality.
We have amended some specific deeds of gift to allow for electronic publication of born-digital content, but this is very
rare so far.
We have begun the discussions to consider how to include those revisions.
We will be addressing this in the near future.
Working on gift agreement to include all types of media, including born-digital content.