56 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Other solution for processing N=4
Consortium provides web-based ingestion, processing, and access for thesis and dissertations.
Currently all are being reviewed.
Library IT runs a collection development instance of DSpace on its own server.
Other solution for access N=9
Amazon Cloud, hosted Open Repository.
Consortium provides web-based ingestion, processing, and access for thesis and dissertations.
Currently, all are being reviewed.
Local implementation of a Fedora repository.
Shared servers with IT on campus.
Local DSpace instance California Digital Library’s Web Archiving Service system-wide open access repository.
We are still working this out.
We use OhioLINK for some digital content, not necessarily born-digital content.
YouSendIt &email have both been used to provide access to materials.
Other solution for back up N=5
Amazon Cloud, hosted Open Repository.
California Digital Library’s Merritt Repository (content repository, geographically separate).
Currently, all are being reviewed.
Redundant storage managed by campus and library IT.
Virtual and physical tape storage
Other solution for long-term, dark storage N=7
California Digital Library’s Merritt Repository (content repository, geographically separate).
Currently all are being reviewed.
Redundant storage managed by campus and library IT.
Virtual and physical tape storage.
We do not have “dark storage” per se. Instead we use Fedora as an asset management system where “master files”
(e.g., tiffs) are copied to our replicated storage systems for long-term preservation, with appropriate preservation
metadata and restricted access.
Other solution for processing N=4
Consortium provides web-based ingestion, processing, and access for thesis and dissertations.
Currently all are being reviewed.
Library IT runs a collection development instance of DSpace on its own server.
Other solution for access N=9
Amazon Cloud, hosted Open Repository.
Consortium provides web-based ingestion, processing, and access for thesis and dissertations.
Currently, all are being reviewed.
Local implementation of a Fedora repository.
Shared servers with IT on campus.
Local DSpace instance California Digital Library’s Web Archiving Service system-wide open access repository.
We are still working this out.
We use OhioLINK for some digital content, not necessarily born-digital content.
YouSendIt &email have both been used to provide access to materials.
Other solution for back up N=5
Amazon Cloud, hosted Open Repository.
California Digital Library’s Merritt Repository (content repository, geographically separate).
Currently, all are being reviewed.
Redundant storage managed by campus and library IT.
Virtual and physical tape storage
Other solution for long-term, dark storage N=7
California Digital Library’s Merritt Repository (content repository, geographically separate).
Currently all are being reviewed.
Redundant storage managed by campus and library IT.
Virtual and physical tape storage.
We do not have “dark storage” per se. Instead we use Fedora as an asset management system where “master files”
(e.g., tiffs) are copied to our replicated storage systems for long-term preservation, with appropriate preservation
metadata and restricted access.