SPEC Kit 329: Managing Born-Digital Special Collections and Archival Materials · 129
Georgia Tech
SMARTech Help
SMARTech Help
http://smartech.gatech.edu/about[8/9/12 6:48:30 PM]
Images JPEG jpg, jpeg supported
Images GIF gif supported
Images PNG png supported
Images TIFF tif, tiff supported
Images Post Script ps, eps, ai supported
Images BMP bmp known
Images Adobe Photoshop pdd, psd known
Images Microsoft Powerpoint ppt known
Images Photo CD pcd known
Video MPEG mpg, mpeg, mpe supported
Video Video Quicktime mov, qt known
Audio WAV wav supported
Audio MPEG mpa, abs, mpeg supported
Audio AIFF aiff, aif, aifc supported
Audio RealAudio ra, ram known
Audio Basic au, snd known
Special Microsoft Excel xls known
Special Microsoft Project mpp, mpx, mpd known
Special Microsoft Visio vsd known
Special FileMaker/FMP3 fm known
Special LateX latex known
Special Mathematica ma known
Special Tex tex known
Special TeXdvi dvi known
supported Items in this category can be used in the future through migration or emulation
and the Library makes a commitment to do so.
known This category indicates that the specifics of the program code for that format are
not public but the format is so widely used that the ability to use it in the future is
almost certain.
How are materials in SMARTech preserved?
SMARTech is part of the MetaArchive Cooperative distributed digital preservation network. Georgia
Tech Library participates in the MetaArchive program, an international effort for the preservation of
electronic scholarly materials through the Library of Congress' National Digital Information
Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP).
How do I start contributing to SMARTech?
email: smartech@library.gatech.edu
Georgia Tech
SMARTech Help
SMARTech Help
http://smartech.gatech.edu/about[8/9/12 6:48:30 PM]
Images JPEG jpg, jpeg supported
Images GIF gif supported
Images PNG png supported
Images TIFF tif, tiff supported
Images Post Script ps, eps, ai supported
Images BMP bmp known
Images Adobe Photoshop pdd, psd known
Images Microsoft Powerpoint ppt known
Images Photo CD pcd known
Video MPEG mpg, mpeg, mpe supported
Video Video Quicktime mov, qt known
Audio WAV wav supported
Audio MPEG mpa, abs, mpeg supported
Audio AIFF aiff, aif, aifc supported
Audio RealAudio ra, ram known
Audio Basic au, snd known
Special Microsoft Excel xls known
Special Microsoft Project mpp, mpx, mpd known
Special Microsoft Visio vsd known
Special FileMaker/FMP3 fm known
Special LateX latex known
Special Mathematica ma known
Special Tex tex known
Special TeXdvi dvi known
supported Items in this category can be used in the future through migration or emulation
and the Library makes a commitment to do so.
known This category indicates that the specifics of the program code for that format are
not public but the format is so widely used that the ability to use it in the future is
almost certain.
How are materials in SMARTech preserved?
SMARTech is part of the MetaArchive Cooperative distributed digital preservation network. Georgia
Tech Library participates in the MetaArchive program, an international effort for the preservation of
electronic scholarly materials through the Library of Congress' National Digital Information
Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP).
How do I start contributing to SMARTech?
email: smartech@library.gatech.edu