SPEC Kit 329: Managing Born-Digital Special Collections and Archival Materials · 25
This will be part of everyone’s responsibilities.
This will become a component of the work of each of our four archivists responsible for acquiring all archival materials,
regardless of format.
Two staff in Special Collections collect and manage born-digital content. In our Scholarly Publishing and Data
Management team we have five individuals who are managing digital content.
We are at the earliest stages of formulating a formal strategy for ingesting born-digital Special Collections content. The
figures provided above are a best guess as to how many people may be involved and makes the following assumption:
University Archives staff member (0.25 FTE), Manuscripts Division Staff member (0.25 FTE), Programmer/Analyst (0.25
FTE), Metadata Specialist (0.75 FTE).
We do not have a full-time person, and since we are doing this on an ad-hoc basis now, the quarter FTE is really just a
guestimate. I, through my curatorial duties, and our digital services librarian handle it.
We have 60% time of two people (both professional staff), roughly half the time of one software engineer, and a small
amount of time from a core services/Mac specialist team member.
We have added these duties to the work of the Technical Services Archivist.
We have numerous staff who are involved with managing or collecting born-digital, but none of these positions are
dedicated full time to the activities.
We have three FTE staff who have some responsibility to manage born-digital content in some capacity in their job
descriptions: Archivist, Digital Projects and Outreach Digital Assets Librarian (currently conducting job search to fill this
role), Digital Initiatives Librarian.
Work falls into three general areas: web archiving, electronic archives, and audio and video oral history interviews.
3. Please indicate which strategy your library has used or plans to use to address staffing needs for
processing and/or managing born-digital materials. Check all that apply. N=63
Add responsibilities for born-digital materials to current positions 59 94%
Create new staff positions 29 46%
Recast an existing position dedicated to managing born-digital materials 23 37%
Hire interns for born-digital materials projects 15 24%
Hire consultants/contractors for born-digital materials projects 9 14%
Other staffing strategy 13 21%
Please describe the other staffing strategy. N=13
Also hoping to work with staff from larger library who are charged with managing born-digital NON special collections.
As the library makes strategic hires in other areas (e.g., Digital Repository Coordinator), we will attempt to include
electronic records expertise in the desired skill sets.
Budget for staff in grant-supported digital preservation projects.
This will be part of everyone’s responsibilities.
This will become a component of the work of each of our four archivists responsible for acquiring all archival materials,
regardless of format.
Two staff in Special Collections collect and manage born-digital content. In our Scholarly Publishing and Data
Management team we have five individuals who are managing digital content.
We are at the earliest stages of formulating a formal strategy for ingesting born-digital Special Collections content. The
figures provided above are a best guess as to how many people may be involved and makes the following assumption:
University Archives staff member (0.25 FTE), Manuscripts Division Staff member (0.25 FTE), Programmer/Analyst (0.25
FTE), Metadata Specialist (0.75 FTE).
We do not have a full-time person, and since we are doing this on an ad-hoc basis now, the quarter FTE is really just a
guestimate. I, through my curatorial duties, and our digital services librarian handle it.
We have 60% time of two people (both professional staff), roughly half the time of one software engineer, and a small
amount of time from a core services/Mac specialist team member.
We have added these duties to the work of the Technical Services Archivist.
We have numerous staff who are involved with managing or collecting born-digital, but none of these positions are
dedicated full time to the activities.
We have three FTE staff who have some responsibility to manage born-digital content in some capacity in their job
descriptions: Archivist, Digital Projects and Outreach Digital Assets Librarian (currently conducting job search to fill this
role), Digital Initiatives Librarian.
Work falls into three general areas: web archiving, electronic archives, and audio and video oral history interviews.
3. Please indicate which strategy your library has used or plans to use to address staffing needs for
processing and/or managing born-digital materials. Check all that apply. N=63
Add responsibilities for born-digital materials to current positions 59 94%
Create new staff positions 29 46%
Recast an existing position dedicated to managing born-digital materials 23 37%
Hire interns for born-digital materials projects 15 24%
Hire consultants/contractors for born-digital materials projects 9 14%
Other staffing strategy 13 21%
Please describe the other staffing strategy. N=13
Also hoping to work with staff from larger library who are charged with managing born-digital NON special collections.
As the library makes strategic hires in other areas (e.g., Digital Repository Coordinator), we will attempt to include
electronic records expertise in the desired skill sets.
Budget for staff in grant-supported digital preservation projects.