SPEC Kit 329: Managing Born-Digital Special Collections and Archival Materials · 49
Selecting the technology for the institution is handled by our IT Department. Selecting the appropriate tools from the
libraries available resources is handled by the curatorial and program management staff.
University Libraries Central Operations department, Digital Preservation Strategist
We have a Technical Architecture Council that works in concert with collection managers and IT staff to select.
Implementing and Maintaining Storage Infrastructure
Library IT staff 28 44%
A combination of library IT and campus IT staff 14 22%
A combination of Special Collections/Archives and library IT staff 5 8%
Campus IT staff 4 6%
A combination of Special Collections/Archives, library IT, and campus IT staff 1 2%
Other 11 18%
Archives, digital curation leadership, and library network/system administration
Central Operations department, Digital Preservation Strategist
Digital Services and Shared Collections Department and Digital Development and Web Services Unit, in conjunction with
institution-wide IT
Electronic Records Archives Program Management Office (within Information Services) and Preservation Staff (within
Research Services)
Institutional records: a team consisting of the records manager, college archivist, archives staff, and institutional IT.
Personal materials: library IT.
IT and Scholarly Publishing and Data Management Team
IT staff at the Southwest Collections/Special Collections Library, Digi Resources Library Unit, and the University Library
Library IT and the Office of the CIO
Library IT staff, campus IT, California Digital Library Staff
San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
Special collections and preservation librarian
Managing Permissions/User Authentication.
Library IT staff 20 32%
A combination of library IT and campus IT staff 8 13%
A combination of Special Collections/Archives and library IT staff 6 10%
Special Collections/Archives staff 3 5%
Campus IT staff 2 3%
A combination of Special Collections/Archives, library IT, and campus IT staff 2 3%
Other 22 35%
Selecting the technology for the institution is handled by our IT Department. Selecting the appropriate tools from the
libraries available resources is handled by the curatorial and program management staff.
University Libraries Central Operations department, Digital Preservation Strategist
We have a Technical Architecture Council that works in concert with collection managers and IT staff to select.
Implementing and Maintaining Storage Infrastructure
Library IT staff 28 44%
A combination of library IT and campus IT staff 14 22%
A combination of Special Collections/Archives and library IT staff 5 8%
Campus IT staff 4 6%
A combination of Special Collections/Archives, library IT, and campus IT staff 1 2%
Other 11 18%
Archives, digital curation leadership, and library network/system administration
Central Operations department, Digital Preservation Strategist
Digital Services and Shared Collections Department and Digital Development and Web Services Unit, in conjunction with
institution-wide IT
Electronic Records Archives Program Management Office (within Information Services) and Preservation Staff (within
Research Services)
Institutional records: a team consisting of the records manager, college archivist, archives staff, and institutional IT.
Personal materials: library IT.
IT and Scholarly Publishing and Data Management Team
IT staff at the Southwest Collections/Special Collections Library, Digi Resources Library Unit, and the University Library
Library IT and the Office of the CIO
Library IT staff, campus IT, California Digital Library Staff
San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
Special collections and preservation librarian
Managing Permissions/User Authentication.
Library IT staff 20 32%
A combination of library IT and campus IT staff 8 13%
A combination of Special Collections/Archives and library IT staff 6 10%
Special Collections/Archives staff 3 5%
Campus IT staff 2 3%
A combination of Special Collections/Archives, library IT, and campus IT staff 2 3%
Other 22 35%