SPEC Kit 329: Managing Born-Digital Special Collections and Archival Materials · 69
JHove, ImageMagick, Libraries from open source projects such as Islandora, Emory’s Fedora libraries
Jhove check sum generator GIMP IrfanView Heritrix crawler Wayback Machine web archive replay software.
Jhove Droid
NARA File Analyzer, Duke Data Accessioner
Not yet decided
Our digital asset management system, Islandora, makes use of several open source tools. We will also be exploring how
we might integrate it with Archivematica.
Sheepshaver for emulation
Starting to use Archivsts Tool kit, some use of DSspace.
ThinkUp, Yahoo2Mbox, Thunderbird, JackSummer, ADAPT ACE, aimage
Outsourced service N=22
Archive-It (7 responses)
California Digital Library services (Merritt repository, eScholarship, Web Archiving Service)
CDL Web Archiving Service
Considering California Digital Library Web Archiving Service for web preservation and CDL’s Merritt platform.
Eventually Hathti Trust
Internet Archive.(2 responses)
Looking at Archive-It for harvesting websites.
Looking at ways to archive websites.
MetaArchive Cooperative: members, but have only used it for one collection so far and can’t afford to put everything
Not yet decided.
Outsourced disk imaging.
Plan to contract with CDL Web Archiving Service this year.
Plan to use Archive-It’s web archiving service.
Several under consideration for archiving websites.
Web Archiving Service
Home-grown tool(s) N=18
Bag-it Content Transfer System (CTS) DigiBoard (nominations &permissions tool)
JHove, ImageMagick, Libraries from open source projects such as Islandora, Emory’s Fedora libraries
Jhove check sum generator GIMP IrfanView Heritrix crawler Wayback Machine web archive replay software.
Jhove Droid
NARA File Analyzer, Duke Data Accessioner
Not yet decided
Our digital asset management system, Islandora, makes use of several open source tools. We will also be exploring how
we might integrate it with Archivematica.
Sheepshaver for emulation
Starting to use Archivsts Tool kit, some use of DSspace.
ThinkUp, Yahoo2Mbox, Thunderbird, JackSummer, ADAPT ACE, aimage
Outsourced service N=22
Archive-It (7 responses)
California Digital Library services (Merritt repository, eScholarship, Web Archiving Service)
CDL Web Archiving Service
Considering California Digital Library Web Archiving Service for web preservation and CDL’s Merritt platform.
Eventually Hathti Trust
Internet Archive.(2 responses)
Looking at Archive-It for harvesting websites.
Looking at ways to archive websites.
MetaArchive Cooperative: members, but have only used it for one collection so far and can’t afford to put everything
Not yet decided.
Outsourced disk imaging.
Plan to contract with CDL Web Archiving Service this year.
Plan to use Archive-It’s web archiving service.
Several under consideration for archiving websites.
Web Archiving Service
Home-grown tool(s) N=18
Bag-it Content Transfer System (CTS) DigiBoard (nominations &permissions tool)