22 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
1. Does your library currently collect and manage born-digital materials? N=64
Yes 59 92%
No, but we plan to 5 8%
No, and we have no plans to 0
If collecting born-digital materials is in the planning stages, please answer the following
questions to the best of your ability based on plans at this time.
2. Please indicate how many staff are (will be) charged with collecting and managing born-digital
materials at your library. Include both the number of FTEs and number of individuals. N=60
Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
FTE 0.10 60 4.73 2.00 9.25
Individuals 1.00 48 6.64 5.50 7.75
Please enter any additional comments you have about the staff who collect and manage born-
digital materials. N=47
Special Collections/Archives
All curators and archivists could potentially collect born-digital materials, so I’m including all of them!
All staff who are currently responsible for paper records will/have responsibilities for managing born-digital materials.
Digital Records Archivist (full time), University Archivist, and two curators.
Four full-time professional curators collect born-digital materials along with analog materials and a wide variety of other
duties. We have no dedicated field collectors.
In addition, we have one student (.25 FTE) and another part-time intern.
Our University Archivist is our point person for born-digital material.
Right now we have a full time Digital Archivist in our Film and Media Archive, and a staff member in University Archives
who has 50% of her job designated for digital collections. I would anticipate needing to add more staff capacity for this
in other units of the department.
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