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Georgia Tech
SMARTech Help
SMARTech Help
http://smartech.gatech.edu/about[8/9/12 6:48:30 PM]
SMARTech, or Scholarly Materials And Research @Georgia Tech, is a repository for the capture of the
intellectual output of the Institute in support of its teaching and research missions. SMARTech connects
stockpiles of digital materials currently in existence throughout campus to create a cohesive, useful, sustainable
repository available to Georgia Tech and the world.
See the Mission and Collection Policy .
Why should I participate?
Access barriers disappear
Enhanced visibility, use, reputation
Wide and rapid dissemination of intellectual output
Supports classroom teaching
Aids multidisciplinary inquiry
Valuable recruiting tool
Preservation and management of information assets
Reduces duplication of effort
Stimulates serendipitous discovery and collaboration
What types of materials can I submit and find in SMARTech?
SMARTech houses Georgia Tech research in digital format, including
Annual Reports
Conference Papers
Electronic Theses &Dissertations
Learning Objects
Research Reports
Technical Reports
Web Pages
White papers
Working Papers
What file formats are accepted?
We accept standard formats that we can make a commitment to migrate and provide access to over
the long term including:
Type Description File extension Support level
Text/Images Adobe PDF pdf supported
Text HTML htm, html supported
Text Rich Text Format rtf supported
Text Text txt supported
Text XML xml supported
Text Microsoft Word doc known
Text WordPerfect wpd known
Text SGML sgm, sgml known
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