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Boston University
A Cyberinfrastructure for Research and Learning in a Digital Culture
A Cyberinfrastructure for Research and Learning in a Digital Culture » Digital Initiatives &Open Access |Boston University
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Data Management
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention Policy on Releasing
and Sharing Data
Council on Governmental
Relations: Access to and
Retention of Research Data:
Rights and Responsibilities
National Institute of Justice
Data Resources Program
National Institutes of Health
Data Sharing Policy
National Science Foundation
(NSF) Dissemination and
Sharing of Research Results
National Science Foundation
Proposal and Award Policies
and Procedures Guide
National Science Foundation
Directorate for Engineering
Data Management for NSF
Engineering Directorate
Proposals and Awards
National Science Foundation,
Social, Behavioral and
Economic Sciences (SBE)
Data Archiving Policy
National Science
Foundation, Social,
Behavioral and Economic
Sciences (SBE) Data
Management Plan Policy
Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) Circular A-110,
September 30, 1999
Twitter Updates…
bu_dioa: RT @ruckermanley:
Went to @MugarLib to pick up a
book on Jacques Tourneur,
ended up with a book of
Tarantino interviews. The film
book ...
October 11, 2011
bu_dioa: Stop the Internet, we
want to get off! K.evin Smith's
analysis of Auth Guild suit
against HathiTrust very helpful. /
September 13, 2011
bu_dioa: RT @BUDigCommon:
Have you seen the intro video to
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Housewright Ithaka S +R.Type:
book_digitalPublisher: [New
York, N.Y.] :Ithaka S +R,
©2010.My notes: none […]
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[Chicago :American Bar
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June 2, 2011
A Cyberinfrastructure for Research
and Learning in a Digital Culture
Researchers today require environments in which capabilities of the highest level of computing tools
are available in an interoperable network. More than just bigger and faster hardware and software,
researchers need access to resources, expertise, and support. A cyberinfrastructure allows scholars
to focus their intellectual and scholarly energies on the issues that engage them, and to be effective
users of new media and new technologies, rather than having to invent them.
The infrastructure of scholarship was built over centuries. It includes diverse collections of
primary sources in libraries, archives, and museums the bibliographies, searching aids, citation
systems, and concordances that make that information retrievable the standards that are
embodied in cataloging and classification systems the journals and university presses that
distribute the information and the editors, librarians, archivists, and curators who link the
operation of this structure to the scholars who use it. All of these elements have extensions or
analogues in cyberinfrastructure, at least in the cyberinfrastructure that is required for
humanities and social sciences. (Our Cultural Commonwealth)
The BU libraries are engaged in building collections, technologies and services to enable and
support digital scholarship. As members of the Open Content Alliance the Libraries continue to
digitize major portions of its print collection. Boston University’s Digital Common serves as a primary
site for collecting and disseminating the intellectual output of the University.
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