18 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Project Staffing
2. Please indicate which categories of library staff provide services that support digital humanities
projects and whether these staff are dedicated to such services or are called on an ad hoc basis to
meet demand. N=51
N Dedicated Staff Ad hoc
IT staff 46 7 39
Subject librarian 44 3 43
Digital scholarship/humanities librarian 39 13 28
Support staff 38 5 33
Undergraduate student assistant 29 3 26
Graduate student assistant 24 4 21
Other staff category 17 5 15
Number of Responses 51 18 50
Please specify the other staff category. N=20
Dedicated Staff
Digital Repository Manager production team (programmers, web developers) supporting digital humanities projects
within CDRS educational technologists, programmers, and web developers supporting digital humanities projects
within CCNMTL.
DLS has a Director, Metadata, Digital Access and Digital Projects Librarians who support digital humanities projects as
they arise and also in-house digitization.
Grant-funded Post-Doc.
Metadata and other librarians who are not “subject librarians.”
We have one grant funded programmer working full-time on a single DH project.
Ad hoc
Developers, Content Lead.
Digitization staff.
From campus: campus GIS specialist, Center for Digital Humanities staff from in the library: Digital Library Program
staff, metadata librarians, archivists and Special Collections staff scholarly communication specialists CLIR Postdoctoral
Instructional services, technical services, library communications staff.
Librarians and staff in the MPublishing wing of the library.
Metadata services.
Project Staffing
2. Please indicate which categories of library staff provide services that support digital humanities
projects and whether these staff are dedicated to such services or are called on an ad hoc basis to
meet demand. N=51
N Dedicated Staff Ad hoc
IT staff 46 7 39
Subject librarian 44 3 43
Digital scholarship/humanities librarian 39 13 28
Support staff 38 5 33
Undergraduate student assistant 29 3 26
Graduate student assistant 24 4 21
Other staff category 17 5 15
Number of Responses 51 18 50
Please specify the other staff category. N=20
Dedicated Staff
Digital Repository Manager production team (programmers, web developers) supporting digital humanities projects
within CDRS educational technologists, programmers, and web developers supporting digital humanities projects
within CCNMTL.
DLS has a Director, Metadata, Digital Access and Digital Projects Librarians who support digital humanities projects as
they arise and also in-house digitization.
Grant-funded Post-Doc.
Metadata and other librarians who are not “subject librarians.”
We have one grant funded programmer working full-time on a single DH project.
Ad hoc
Developers, Content Lead.
Digitization staff.
From campus: campus GIS specialist, Center for Digital Humanities staff from in the library: Digital Library Program
staff, metadata librarians, archivists and Special Collections staff scholarly communication specialists CLIR Postdoctoral
Instructional services, technical services, library communications staff.
Librarians and staff in the MPublishing wing of the library.
Metadata services.