SPEC Kit 326: Digital Humanities · 61
This response relates to: The Chung Collection, The Malcolm Lowry Collection digitization project, Global Encounters
Project, and 2010 UBC Olympic &Paralympics Project.
We are actively planning to collaborate with some of the colleges to provide a more coordinated and substantive
support for digital humanities, social sciences, and arts projects.
We have concerns about our ability to keep up with demand once our new research commons is open. We anticipate
that, at least initially, demand with outstrip our capacity, both in terms of services and infrastructure.
We hope to develop a strategic direction regarding digital humanities services in the next few years.
We’re very much struggling with the appropriate level of service we should be providing. To what degree should we
move beyond providing the raw materials (primary and secondary sources) upon which new digital research is done,
into being partners in the actual implementation of that research (for example, with technology support)? Faculty have
a frequently blurry line between their research activities and their service activities: to what degree is it the library’s
role to support the latter? Where are the lines between ‘digital humanities’ and ‘scholarly communication’ and ‘digital
libraries’? We have many activities in the latter two areas that weren’t reported in this survey, as they are not necessarily
humanities based.
This response relates to: The Chung Collection, The Malcolm Lowry Collection digitization project, Global Encounters
Project, and 2010 UBC Olympic &Paralympics Project.
We are actively planning to collaborate with some of the colleges to provide a more coordinated and substantive
support for digital humanities, social sciences, and arts projects.
We have concerns about our ability to keep up with demand once our new research commons is open. We anticipate
that, at least initially, demand with outstrip our capacity, both in terms of services and infrastructure.
We hope to develop a strategic direction regarding digital humanities services in the next few years.
We’re very much struggling with the appropriate level of service we should be providing. To what degree should we
move beyond providing the raw materials (primary and secondary sources) upon which new digital research is done,
into being partners in the actual implementation of that research (for example, with technology support)? Faculty have
a frequently blurry line between their research activities and their service activities: to what degree is it the library’s
role to support the latter? Where are the lines between ‘digital humanities’ and ‘scholarly communication’ and ‘digital
libraries’? We have many activities in the latter two areas that weren’t reported in this survey, as they are not necessarily
humanities based.