156 · Representative Documents: Grants
Cornell University
Grants Program for Digital Collections in Arts and Sciences
Grants Program for Digital Collections in Arts and Sciences -Arts &Sciences Grants Program -Confluence
https://confluence.cornell.edu/display/grantsas/Grants+Program+for+Digital+Collections+in+Arts+and+Sciences[10/28/11 5:46:27 PM]
Grants Program for Digital Collections in Arts and
Goals of the Program
The program aims to support collaborative and creative use of resources through the creation of digital content of enduring value
to the Cornell community and scholarship at large. Application process does not require any expertise -all you need is a good
idea as the Library's visual resources team will guide you through the application process. The program, funded by the College of
Arts of Sciences and coordinated by the Cornell University Library, was developed by the Arts &Sciences Visual Resources
Advisory Group. Information about the Cornell University Library's visual resources services is available at:
Examples of proposals that are within the scope of the grants program include:
Creating new digital collections that are based on resources regularly used in teaching or research, including lecture notes,
slides, photographs, printed documents, and manuscripts.
Digitizing collections that are already held by the Cornell University, which are instrumental in supporting learning, teaching,
and research at Cornell (Final selection of materials will be subject to ability to clear copyright, if required.) View selected
examples of sample collections.
Converting materials held by other cultural institutions, and that will support teaching and research at Cornell -especially
combining dispersed resources to create new and enriched ones (Final selection of materials will be subject to ability to
clear copyright, if required.).
For examples of projects within the context of the grants program, see the 2010 awards listed below.
The emphasis is on building a library of resources to support a range of scholarly activities in the College of Arts and Science and
at Cornell in general rather than creating teaching applications or custom-designed web sites for a specific course. The digital
collections created through this grants program will become a part of Cornell University Library's digital library.
Individual project awards will be in the range of $5,000-$25,000 in the form of digital collection development services and systems
provided by the Library, collaboration planning, and wages or summer stipends for research assistants. Collaborative projects that
combine internal and external funding and other special programs are welcome.
For more information or an initial assessment of a project idea, please email dcaps@cornell.edu or call 255-1830
Proposal Selection Criteria
The grant program is open to Cornell faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences. The Library particularly encourages projects
Increase the availability, and consequently the use of a collection of demonstrated scholarly significance
Identify collections from the Cornell University that are important and should be accessed online by a large community
6 Added by Eric D. Robinson, last edited by Fiona C. Patrick on Oct 05, 2011 (view change)
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Cornell University
Grants Program for Digital Collections in Arts and Sciences
Grants Program for Digital Collections in Arts and Sciences -Arts &Sciences Grants Program -Confluence
https://confluence.cornell.edu/display/grantsas/Grants+Program+for+Digital+Collections+in+Arts+and+Sciences[10/28/11 5:46:27 PM]
Grants Program for Digital Collections in Arts and
Goals of the Program
The program aims to support collaborative and creative use of resources through the creation of digital content of enduring value
to the Cornell community and scholarship at large. Application process does not require any expertise -all you need is a good
idea as the Library's visual resources team will guide you through the application process. The program, funded by the College of
Arts of Sciences and coordinated by the Cornell University Library, was developed by the Arts &Sciences Visual Resources
Advisory Group. Information about the Cornell University Library's visual resources services is available at:
Examples of proposals that are within the scope of the grants program include:
Creating new digital collections that are based on resources regularly used in teaching or research, including lecture notes,
slides, photographs, printed documents, and manuscripts.
Digitizing collections that are already held by the Cornell University, which are instrumental in supporting learning, teaching,
and research at Cornell (Final selection of materials will be subject to ability to clear copyright, if required.) View selected
examples of sample collections.
Converting materials held by other cultural institutions, and that will support teaching and research at Cornell -especially
combining dispersed resources to create new and enriched ones (Final selection of materials will be subject to ability to
clear copyright, if required.).
For examples of projects within the context of the grants program, see the 2010 awards listed below.
The emphasis is on building a library of resources to support a range of scholarly activities in the College of Arts and Science and
at Cornell in general rather than creating teaching applications or custom-designed web sites for a specific course. The digital
collections created through this grants program will become a part of Cornell University Library's digital library.
Individual project awards will be in the range of $5,000-$25,000 in the form of digital collection development services and systems
provided by the Library, collaboration planning, and wages or summer stipends for research assistants. Collaborative projects that
combine internal and external funding and other special programs are welcome.
For more information or an initial assessment of a project idea, please email dcaps@cornell.edu or call 255-1830
Proposal Selection Criteria
The grant program is open to Cornell faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences. The Library particularly encourages projects
Increase the availability, and consequently the use of a collection of demonstrated scholarly significance
Identify collections from the Cornell University that are important and should be accessed online by a large community
6 Added by Eric D. Robinson, last edited by Fiona C. Patrick on Oct 05, 2011 (view change)
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