50 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
23. Has the library partnered with other units in your institution to provide digital humanities services?
Yes 36 75%
No 12 25%
If yes, please identify the partner and briefly describe the nature of the partnership and how it was
cultivated. N=36
Academic department (funding).
Academic Technology Services: they have project management expertise and the campus GIS expert—cultivated
through collaboration on particular projects. Institute for Digital Research and Education-Humanities, Arts and
Architecture, Social and Information Sciences (IDRE-HASIS):campus steering group for digital research, teaching, and
scholarship—cultivated by invitation when the group was created. Center for Digital Humanities: CDH hosts humanities
Moodle instance and provides instructional support—cultivated through conversations with digital humanities liaison
librarian and the CDH senior fellows program which had awarded fellowships to librarians in the past.
As noted above, CCNMTL and CDRS, while not directly part of the Libraries, frequently partner with librarians or groups
on humanities related projects, in addition to acting on faculty requests made directly to them.
Campus Teaching and Learning Centre: collaboration over many years to produce videos that are marketed by the
university press, collaboration on training sessions and defining technology requirements for teaching. Information
Technologies: infrastructure support. Individual faculty members as projects require.
Center for Latin American Studies for the Digital Library of the Caribbean. This has been a long-term collaboration
for preservation and access and continued to grow in need in relation to making rare materials usable by providing
contextual and instructional resources to complement them and new ways to use the materials. Harn Museum and
Florida Museum of Natural History, for access, dissemination, and preservation. See all partners here: http://ufdc.ufl.
Collaborated with History Department to create Medieval and Early Modern Data Bank (medieval price data).
Collaboratory for Research for Computing in the Humanities.
College of Arts and Sciences eTech Office: they provide technology support to faculty in the college, including things
such as accounts on a Drupal CMS.
College of Arts and Sciences Baker Nord Center for Humanities Research Computing and Academic Technology.
College of Humanities: written in as consultants on a gaming research grant—cultivated from liaison librarian
relationships. Mexican-American Studies: collaboration with faculty to identify historic materials for digitization, faculty
member provided some materials—cultivated from liaison librarian relationships. Various campus units: collaboration
with faculty and Library Special Collections on digital exhibits, digitization, and programming.
Consultation with the Canadian Homeless Research Network on the “Homeless Hub” [http://www.homelesshub.ca/
default.aspx] and the Gender and Work Database [http://www.genderwork.ca/]. Librarians were co-applicants on the
23. Has the library partnered with other units in your institution to provide digital humanities services?
Yes 36 75%
No 12 25%
If yes, please identify the partner and briefly describe the nature of the partnership and how it was
cultivated. N=36
Academic department (funding).
Academic Technology Services: they have project management expertise and the campus GIS expert—cultivated
through collaboration on particular projects. Institute for Digital Research and Education-Humanities, Arts and
Architecture, Social and Information Sciences (IDRE-HASIS):campus steering group for digital research, teaching, and
scholarship—cultivated by invitation when the group was created. Center for Digital Humanities: CDH hosts humanities
Moodle instance and provides instructional support—cultivated through conversations with digital humanities liaison
librarian and the CDH senior fellows program which had awarded fellowships to librarians in the past.
As noted above, CCNMTL and CDRS, while not directly part of the Libraries, frequently partner with librarians or groups
on humanities related projects, in addition to acting on faculty requests made directly to them.
Campus Teaching and Learning Centre: collaboration over many years to produce videos that are marketed by the
university press, collaboration on training sessions and defining technology requirements for teaching. Information
Technologies: infrastructure support. Individual faculty members as projects require.
Center for Latin American Studies for the Digital Library of the Caribbean. This has been a long-term collaboration
for preservation and access and continued to grow in need in relation to making rare materials usable by providing
contextual and instructional resources to complement them and new ways to use the materials. Harn Museum and
Florida Museum of Natural History, for access, dissemination, and preservation. See all partners here: http://ufdc.ufl.
Collaborated with History Department to create Medieval and Early Modern Data Bank (medieval price data).
Collaboratory for Research for Computing in the Humanities.
College of Arts and Sciences eTech Office: they provide technology support to faculty in the college, including things
such as accounts on a Drupal CMS.
College of Arts and Sciences Baker Nord Center for Humanities Research Computing and Academic Technology.
College of Humanities: written in as consultants on a gaming research grant—cultivated from liaison librarian
relationships. Mexican-American Studies: collaboration with faculty to identify historic materials for digitization, faculty
member provided some materials—cultivated from liaison librarian relationships. Various campus units: collaboration
with faculty and Library Special Collections on digital exhibits, digitization, and programming.
Consultation with the Canadian Homeless Research Network on the “Homeless Hub” [http://www.homelesshub.ca/
default.aspx] and the Gender and Work Database [http://www.genderwork.ca/]. Librarians were co-applicants on the