36 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
We host a local meeting of the New Media Consortium and other cross-disciplinary events.
We offer fora to enable researchers from all disciplines to share knowledge and collaborate.
Work in this area has been informal to date. We would like to start up more formal programs to increase awareness of
digital projects that will allow interested faculty to more easily find areas of common interest.
Hardware and Software
11. What hardware does the library offer to support digital humanities projects? Check all that apply.
Scanners 45 96%
Image editing stations 36 77%
Video editing stations 30 64%
Audio editing stations 30 64%
Large-scale monitors 23 49%
Visualization tools 14 30%
Gaming consoles 5 11%
Other hardware, please describe 17 36%
3D printers. A “virtual reality cave.”
Digital cameras.
Digitization robots for books.
Individual workstations without peripherals where patrons can access markup, OCR, database, web publishing, and
other tools.
Laptops, wall-mounted monitors, wall-size rear projection screens in lab space.
Large format printers, storage.
Library provides a hosting environment through its institutional repository, as well as a separate instance of the
repository for a specific humanities project.
Microfilm scanner.
SmartBoard, two HD projection systems with Egan Walls, 65 inch multi-touch monitor.
The libraries have a great deal of equipment available for all faculty, staff, and students for self-service use, and the
Digital Library Center has staffed/supported equipment that can be used by faculty/staff as appropriate with support.
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