12 · Survey Results: Executive Summary
Project Staffing
Most library staff support is improvised and de-
pends on the needs of the specific project and the
availability of related services in units outside the
library. Only 18 respondents (35%) indicated they have
any dedicated staff for DH projects, and while one of
these reported 16 permanent staff available to sup-
port researchers, the majority have fewer than five.
Dedicated staff is most often a digital scholarship or
digital humanities librarian. Technologists, such as
programmers and developers, are the next largest cat-
egory. These 18 libraries also call on subject librarians,
support staff, and others depending on project need.
Subject librarians are dedicated project staff at only
three libraries, but this category is the most likely to
be called upon on an ad hoc basis, followed closely by
technologists. In comments about other categories of
available library staff, about half mentioned includ-
ing a metadata specialist, followed by media, pres-
ervation, and communication specialists. A few also
mentioned design, instructional, repository, archivist,
and scanning specialists.
Services and Support
The survey responses suggest that there is a strong
desire for digital humanities projects to be closely
affiliated with the library. For example, some respon-
dents stated that they only support projects that use
library collections, while others indicated that they
want library staff to participate as partners in projects.
This participation most commonly takes the form of
high-level support such as consultations and project
management for DH projects. Less frequently, there
is technical support such as web development, en-
coding, and systems administration. Beyond that,
support takes the form of traditional library activities
such as instructional services, metadata support, and
resource identification.
Hardware and Software
The responding libraries provide a variety of hard-
ware and software to support DH projects. Scanners
are provided almost universally, and well over half of
the libraries provide image, video, and audio editing
stations. Most of the libraries provide bibliographic
management applications and content management
systems. A majority also provides GIS software and
data analysis tools. In many cases these tools are
available for self-service by researchers, though a few
respondents pointed out that staff use the tools to
support DH projects. A slim majority of respondents
(25 or 52%) reported that their libraries provided dedi-
cated space to use these tools for digital humanities
projects. The size of this space ranges from 100 to 6,000
square feet and averages 1204 square feet. In most
cases (16 or 70%), some part of the space is securable
for working with sensitive datasets.
Service Users
A large majority of respondents (47 or 98%) re-
ported that faculty may use digital humanities sup-
port services, while slightly fewer—though still a
substantial majority—provide services to graduate
students (41 or 85%) and post-doctoral or other affili-
ated researchers (37 or 77%). About two-thirds of the
respondents (31 or 65%) provide services to under-
graduate students. More than a quarter offers services
to nonaffiliated researchers, particularly if they are
collaborating with an affiliated faculty member.
Libraries employ a variety of methods to ad-
vertise their digital humanities support services.
Respondents rely on communications from subject
liaisons more than any other method, but library web-
sites are also widely used. Half of the responding
libraries use publications in print or electronic form
to market services. Library staff also attend events,
send direct email, and use social media to spread the
word about these services.
Project Workspace
Library staff meet with researchers in a variety of
spaces to plan or consult on DH projects. Staff offices
are the most popular meeting spaces by far 94% of
respondents (45) meet with scholars there. Library
staff also commonly meet with researchers in schol-
ars’ own offices and in a variety of library meeting
spaces. Coffee shops are popular, too.
Funding Sources
Most respondents report that funding for DH
projects from a combination of the library operating
budget and grants. About half report funding from
Project Staffing
Most library staff support is improvised and de-
pends on the needs of the specific project and the
availability of related services in units outside the
library. Only 18 respondents (35%) indicated they have
any dedicated staff for DH projects, and while one of
these reported 16 permanent staff available to sup-
port researchers, the majority have fewer than five.
Dedicated staff is most often a digital scholarship or
digital humanities librarian. Technologists, such as
programmers and developers, are the next largest cat-
egory. These 18 libraries also call on subject librarians,
support staff, and others depending on project need.
Subject librarians are dedicated project staff at only
three libraries, but this category is the most likely to
be called upon on an ad hoc basis, followed closely by
technologists. In comments about other categories of
available library staff, about half mentioned includ-
ing a metadata specialist, followed by media, pres-
ervation, and communication specialists. A few also
mentioned design, instructional, repository, archivist,
and scanning specialists.
Services and Support
The survey responses suggest that there is a strong
desire for digital humanities projects to be closely
affiliated with the library. For example, some respon-
dents stated that they only support projects that use
library collections, while others indicated that they
want library staff to participate as partners in projects.
This participation most commonly takes the form of
high-level support such as consultations and project
management for DH projects. Less frequently, there
is technical support such as web development, en-
coding, and systems administration. Beyond that,
support takes the form of traditional library activities
such as instructional services, metadata support, and
resource identification.
Hardware and Software
The responding libraries provide a variety of hard-
ware and software to support DH projects. Scanners
are provided almost universally, and well over half of
the libraries provide image, video, and audio editing
stations. Most of the libraries provide bibliographic
management applications and content management
systems. A majority also provides GIS software and
data analysis tools. In many cases these tools are
available for self-service by researchers, though a few
respondents pointed out that staff use the tools to
support DH projects. A slim majority of respondents
(25 or 52%) reported that their libraries provided dedi-
cated space to use these tools for digital humanities
projects. The size of this space ranges from 100 to 6,000
square feet and averages 1204 square feet. In most
cases (16 or 70%), some part of the space is securable
for working with sensitive datasets.
Service Users
A large majority of respondents (47 or 98%) re-
ported that faculty may use digital humanities sup-
port services, while slightly fewer—though still a
substantial majority—provide services to graduate
students (41 or 85%) and post-doctoral or other affili-
ated researchers (37 or 77%). About two-thirds of the
respondents (31 or 65%) provide services to under-
graduate students. More than a quarter offers services
to nonaffiliated researchers, particularly if they are
collaborating with an affiliated faculty member.
Libraries employ a variety of methods to ad-
vertise their digital humanities support services.
Respondents rely on communications from subject
liaisons more than any other method, but library web-
sites are also widely used. Half of the responding
libraries use publications in print or electronic form
to market services. Library staff also attend events,
send direct email, and use social media to spread the
word about these services.
Project Workspace
Library staff meet with researchers in a variety of
spaces to plan or consult on DH projects. Staff offices
are the most popular meeting spaces by far 94% of
respondents (45) meet with scholars there. Library
staff also commonly meet with researchers in schol-
ars’ own offices and in a variety of library meeting
spaces. Coffee shops are popular, too.
Funding Sources
Most respondents report that funding for DH
projects from a combination of the library operating
budget and grants. About half report funding from