SPEC Kit 326: Digital Humanities · 53
If yes, please identify the partner and briefly describe the nature of the partnership and how it was
cultivated. N=26
Afghanistan Centre at Kabul University: collaboration, digitization, and hosting—cultivated through personal librarian
relationships. USAIN Historical Agricultural Documents: collaboration, digitization, hosting—relationships with Cornell/
liaison librarians.
Asian community: gathering data/submissions.
Columbia has produced at least three major collaborative digital projects: the Advanced Papyrological Information
System, the Digital Scriptorium, and the Jay Papers. Ultimately these partnerships brought in a broad number of US
libraries holding papyri, medieval manuscripts, and papers of John Jay. Only one, I believe, was set up on a consortial
basis, Digital Scriptorium, which began out of a partnership between manuscript librarians at Berkeley and Columbia.
Those librarians subsequently worked through their library links to engage other partners. In the other cases, I believe,
the faculty sponsor behind APIS reached out to papyrologists at other US institutions, while the Jay Papers project was
able to take advantage of the libraries that had contributed papers to a print editorial project that had been going on at
Columbia for some years.
Currently creating colloquia with Cleveland State University to provide an event where regional digital humanities
activities can be discussed and considered in a larger context. Provide a Scholarly Communications Lecture series which
brings in high profile contributors to the Digital Humanities and Library profession.
Digital Library of the Caribbean. This has been a long-term collaboration for preservation and access and continued
to grow in need in relation to making rare materials usable by providing contextual and instructional resources to
complement them and new ways to use the materials. See all partners here: http://dloc.com/dloc1/partners.
HathiTrust includes over 50 partner institutions (http://www.hathitrust.org/community) and the Text Creation
Partnership includes over 150 partner institutions (http://www.lib.umich.edu/tcp/eebo/status.html).
In process of joining Project Bamboo.
In recognition of the sesquicentennial of the start of the American Civil War, members of the Association of
Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL) Civil War and the American South collaborated to provide a central portal to
access digital collections from the Civil War Era (1850–1865) held by members.
Northwestern is a partner in the Mellon-funded Bamboo Technology Project.
Not on a programmatic basis, but we partner with other institutions on a project-by-project basis.
Oklahoma Arts and Humanities Council: historical projects. National Endowment for the Humanities: historical projects.
Osage Tribal Museum (Oklahoma).
Other universities and consortia.
SAHARA, developed by the Society of Architectural Historians in collaboration with ARTstor and two other academic
Synergies, national project to bring SSH journals online. SSHRC-funded project on Knowledge Synthesis, currently at the
Letter of Intent stage. Working with individual faculty members with research grants (English, Computer Science).
The library is working with the German institution Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, to create the Emblem Books
digital archive drawing upon our collection of rare Emblem Books from the Rare Books and Manuscript Library.
They vary on a project-by-project basis.
If yes, please identify the partner and briefly describe the nature of the partnership and how it was
cultivated. N=26
Afghanistan Centre at Kabul University: collaboration, digitization, and hosting—cultivated through personal librarian
relationships. USAIN Historical Agricultural Documents: collaboration, digitization, hosting—relationships with Cornell/
liaison librarians.
Asian community: gathering data/submissions.
Columbia has produced at least three major collaborative digital projects: the Advanced Papyrological Information
System, the Digital Scriptorium, and the Jay Papers. Ultimately these partnerships brought in a broad number of US
libraries holding papyri, medieval manuscripts, and papers of John Jay. Only one, I believe, was set up on a consortial
basis, Digital Scriptorium, which began out of a partnership between manuscript librarians at Berkeley and Columbia.
Those librarians subsequently worked through their library links to engage other partners. In the other cases, I believe,
the faculty sponsor behind APIS reached out to papyrologists at other US institutions, while the Jay Papers project was
able to take advantage of the libraries that had contributed papers to a print editorial project that had been going on at
Columbia for some years.
Currently creating colloquia with Cleveland State University to provide an event where regional digital humanities
activities can be discussed and considered in a larger context. Provide a Scholarly Communications Lecture series which
brings in high profile contributors to the Digital Humanities and Library profession.
Digital Library of the Caribbean. This has been a long-term collaboration for preservation and access and continued
to grow in need in relation to making rare materials usable by providing contextual and instructional resources to
complement them and new ways to use the materials. See all partners here: http://dloc.com/dloc1/partners.
HathiTrust includes over 50 partner institutions (http://www.hathitrust.org/community) and the Text Creation
Partnership includes over 150 partner institutions (http://www.lib.umich.edu/tcp/eebo/status.html).
In process of joining Project Bamboo.
In recognition of the sesquicentennial of the start of the American Civil War, members of the Association of
Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL) Civil War and the American South collaborated to provide a central portal to
access digital collections from the Civil War Era (1850–1865) held by members.
Northwestern is a partner in the Mellon-funded Bamboo Technology Project.
Not on a programmatic basis, but we partner with other institutions on a project-by-project basis.
Oklahoma Arts and Humanities Council: historical projects. National Endowment for the Humanities: historical projects.
Osage Tribal Museum (Oklahoma).
Other universities and consortia.
SAHARA, developed by the Society of Architectural Historians in collaboration with ARTstor and two other academic
Synergies, national project to bring SSH journals online. SSHRC-funded project on Knowledge Synthesis, currently at the
Letter of Intent stage. Working with individual faculty members with research grants (English, Computer Science).
The library is working with the German institution Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, to create the Emblem Books
digital archive drawing upon our collection of rare Emblem Books from the Rare Books and Manuscript Library.
They vary on a project-by-project basis.