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Case Western Reserve University
Freedman Fellows Program 2011
Kelvin Smith Library: Freedman Center Fellow Program 2011
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Freedman Center Special Programs Freedman Fellows Freedman Center Fellow Program 2011
Freedman Fellows Program 2011
The Samuel B. and Marian K. Freedman Digital Library, Language Learning, and Multimedia Services Center is
pleased to announce the 2011 Freedman Fellows Program for full-time faculty. The Freedman Center is a
partnership between the College of Arts and Sciences and the Kelvin Smith Library.
In 2011, the Freedman Fellows Program will identify and support scholarly projects that meet all of the following
conditions, i.e., the projects are: (1) currently underway, (2) involve some corpus of data that is of scholarly or
instructional interest (e.g., data sets, digital texts, digital images, databases), (3) involve the use of digital tools and
processes, and (4) have clearly articulated project outcomes.
The Freedman Fellows Program supports and facilities a variety of digital scholarship activities, such as:
Scholarly endeavors using emerging digital tools and processes such as the use of data-mining, text-
analytic techniques, GIS [geospatial information systems], and data visualization
Digital Humanities scholarship by encouraging the use of new technologies in faculty research through
assistance with research design, visualization and presentation strategies.
Digital Case in experimenting with digital tools for storing, preserving, analyzing and making accessible
digital resources
The use of emerging technologies for dissemination and publication of scholarship and for use of digital
scholarship resources in teaching and learning.
Freedman Fellows will receive an award of $3,000 to support the expenses related to innovative scholarly or creative
projects that meet the Freedman Fellows 2011 criteria. Guidelines as to how awards may be spent are available
online. Proposals are due before midnight on Monday, April 18, 2011.
Award Criteria
Freedman Fellows serve as a model for campus faculty for how to successfully integrate new digital processes and
tools in their scholarship and teaching. These new approaches to scholarship create bold visions of what is possible
for scholarly outcomes, enhance understanding, create opportunities for formulating original questions, and
fundamentally re-define how scholars work. Fellows must be full-time faculty who are motivated by excellence and
the desire to be leaders in their disciplinary programs. Former Freedman Fellows are encouraged to apply. Award
criteria and further information on the Freedman Fellows Program are available at the Freedman Fellows website. To
be successful, applications must describe a corpus of data (digital texts, digital images, processed data, databases,
etc.), include discussion of the project's impact with regard to scholarly or teaching goals, identify potential users or
uses, describe the intended use of digital tools and processes, demonstrate current project planning, and articulate a
project outcome (including a statement regarding the intended use of the award). In addition, the proposal must
include a statement that addresses copyright concerns (detailed information is provided on the Freedman Fellows
website). While there is a preference given to projects that are humanities-based, projects that are not solely
humanities-oriented will be considered if they are compelling in their application of emerging digital tools and
resources for scholarship, research and/or teaching.
Application Process
Application information is available at the Freedman Fellows Program website, as is a list of individual questions that
should be addressed in the submitted proposal. Proposals shall not exceed three (3) pages and must include a 100-
word abstract at the outset describing the project. Proposals are due before midnight on Monday, April 18, 2011.
A committee of faculty and staff will review all proposals and make final selections. Freedman Fellows will be
announced no later than Friday, April 22, 2011.
Expectations of Fellows
Freedman Fellows are expected to participate in periodic meetings with not only their project groups (which will be
created to meet project needs) but with Freedman Fellow colleagues to provide updates on their projects and to
contribute as a group to the development of models, services and practices for support of scholarship, research and
teaching at CWRU. The first such meeting will take place on Friday, May 6. Details are available on the Freedman
Fellows Program website. Freedman Fellows are expected to confer with Departmental Chairs or Departmental
Assistants in setting up accounts for their $3,000 award. Guidance as to the manner in which the award may be
used, as well as additional information is available in the FAQ section of the Freedman Fellows Program site.
Freedman Fellows will be expected to participate in a colloquium (tentatively scheduled for October 2011) that
addresses digital scholarship and future directions for digital scholarship at CWRU.
Questions regarding the Freedman Fellows Program and application process are welcome. Please contact Thomas
Hayes (Thomas.Hayes@case.edu) or by phone at 216-368-6513 for further information.
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