SPEC Kit 326: Digital Humanities · 113
University of Miami
Proposal for Digital Initiatives
University of Miami Libraries -Proposal for New Digital Initiatives – Digital Initiatives Team – 8/11/06 1
Proposal for a Digital Initiative
Please complete the following questions. Thank you!
1. Project Leader
• Name:
• Department:
• Address:
• Phone Number:
• Email Address:
2. Project Title:
3. Abstract of the project (a one paragraph description of project scope):
4. What are the desired goals of the project? (Please provide itemized list of deliverables):
5. Does the digital content in this project in any way represent materials that are currently
available via the world wide web?
6. How will this project be funded? (Library, other UM Department or grant):
7. Please provide an outline of participants and their respective levels of engagement:
8. What resources can you provide for the project?
9. Who are the primary and secondary audiences for the project?
10. What will the access points for the project be?
University of Miami
Proposal for Digital Initiatives
University of Miami Libraries -Proposal for New Digital Initiatives – Digital Initiatives Team – 8/11/06 1
Proposal for a Digital Initiative
Please complete the following questions. Thank you!
1. Project Leader
• Name:
• Department:
• Address:
• Phone Number:
• Email Address:
2. Project Title:
3. Abstract of the project (a one paragraph description of project scope):
4. What are the desired goals of the project? (Please provide itemized list of deliverables):
5. Does the digital content in this project in any way represent materials that are currently
available via the world wide web?
6. How will this project be funded? (Library, other UM Department or grant):
7. Please provide an outline of participants and their respective levels of engagement:
8. What resources can you provide for the project?
9. Who are the primary and secondary audiences for the project?
10. What will the access points for the project be?