110 · Representative Documents: Policies and Procedures
University of Florida
Proposal Template for New Digital Collections &Projects
Is any of the material already digitized and online from potential partners?
Workload impact for
your and other
Will Special Collections need to create a finding aid?
Will Cataloging need to catalog materials? If so, how much will be original
Will the materials need Conservation work?
What will the impact be for your department?
How will users interact
with the collection?
In answering this, please explain any special needs for this project that are not
supported by the current UF Digital Collections System. Please also explain
any desires related to additional functionality. How would the project being
proposed benefit from being mapped, in motion, data mined, etc?
Resource commitment
initial and ongoing:
Digital collection management requires collection creation, ongoing curation,
and patron and partner assistance.
Digital Services
Processing resources
If internal, staff impact and OPS costs. Estimated processing timeline.
If external, staff impact, OPS costs, vended costs, and shipping. Estimated
processing timeline.
Digital storage costs: Ongoing storage costs using the DataSpace model (2x the first year’s costs to
cover perpetual storage).
Other requirements
and impacts:
Other requirements in terms of digital collection functionality (programming
and web support), development scheduling changes, production scheduling
changes, etc.
New non-MARC
Estimated requirements developed in collaboration with Cataloging for all
records to be included in record feed to MANGO.
University of Florida
Proposal Template for New Digital Collections &Projects
Is any of the material already digitized and online from potential partners?
Workload impact for
your and other
Will Special Collections need to create a finding aid?
Will Cataloging need to catalog materials? If so, how much will be original
Will the materials need Conservation work?
What will the impact be for your department?
How will users interact
with the collection?
In answering this, please explain any special needs for this project that are not
supported by the current UF Digital Collections System. Please also explain
any desires related to additional functionality. How would the project being
proposed benefit from being mapped, in motion, data mined, etc?
Resource commitment
initial and ongoing:
Digital collection management requires collection creation, ongoing curation,
and patron and partner assistance.
Digital Services
Processing resources
If internal, staff impact and OPS costs. Estimated processing timeline.
If external, staff impact, OPS costs, vended costs, and shipping. Estimated
processing timeline.
Digital storage costs: Ongoing storage costs using the DataSpace model (2x the first year’s costs to
cover perpetual storage).
Other requirements
and impacts:
Other requirements in terms of digital collection functionality (programming
and web support), development scheduling changes, production scheduling
changes, etc.
New non-MARC
Estimated requirements developed in collaboration with Cataloging for all
records to be included in record feed to MANGO.