22 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
The ad hoc help is called upon fairly regularly for specific projects that require more input of time and expertise.
The Digital Library Center has two core functions: service and production. The service group (1 librarian, 1 programmer
dedicated to digital work but technically in the IT department, and 2 staff) provides support and collaborates on digital
humanities projects.
Typically, assign a metadata librarian, developer (IT), subject specialist, and user-interface specialist (web).
Varies widely depending on project. Typically, 1–2 in each category above will work on a project.
We are at the beginning of this service/facility and wanted to avoid “staffing up” until such time as we knew the level
of activity we would have. A typical circumstance for now follows a path something like this: faculty member contacts
or is referred to the Associate Dean, discussion of project leads to recommendations about what types of consultations
with which library faculty/staff would be appropriate, separate meetings occur with these consultants, faculty member
continues with project (libraries can provide training and ongoing consultation). Thus far, this approach has worked
well. We do have a place holder for a dedicated faculty position as the program grows. In the model we follow, which
interested humanities faculty helped build, the individual faculty member is responsible for “doing” the project.
We are dependent on library IT staff for all of our system maintenance and any programming or web services that we
We have a metadata team consisting of 3 librarians, 3 professional staff, a graduate assistant, and a number of
undergraduate student assistants. This team works closely with a librarian and a professional staff in the IT division who
support digital projects. None of these staff and faculty are specifically dedicated to digital humanities projects, but all
of them support humanities faculty and resources that come through our services. One of our librarians has a particular
interest in digital humanities, and so tends to be the point person for any special DH-related projects that come to us.
We have five librarians, one IT professional, and varying numbers of support staff and student assistants who engage
with projects according to the needs of the projects. These staff members represent two teams: Research Enterprise and
Scholarly Communication, and Archives and Special Collections.
We have metadata specialists who assist with metadata projects from time to time and subject librarians who assist
with outreach.
We have one (or maybe two) librarians who provide digital humanities support services, but these services are usually
only on a discussion level and not necessarily on a doing level.
We have several librarians and library staff whose job descriptions include support of digital humanities projects, but
they will be called together based on the student or faculty query. The Digital Content Creation and Metadata librarians
will be brought in to collaborate on a mass digitization project and/or one that involves ContentDM archive. Several
other librarians, such as the Mathematics and Engineering librarians, who currently lead projects on metadata and
digital libraries, are brought in as needed for their respective expertise. And I, as the English and Digital Humanities
Librarian, consult with students and faculty to refer them to the correct personnel and resources on campus who can
help them.
We have two librarians (Fine Arts and Humanities) and two staff members who assist when faculty bring a digital
humanities project to us. The librarians help with content and copyright questions. The staff help with technical support
and actually do the digitization using scanners, photo, or multimedia equipment.
We have worked with scholars to acquire materials for a project, to extract data or files from a database, to assist with
technical questions, and to put material into the Institutional Repository. We provide information for grant applications
and sometimes matching funding.
The ad hoc help is called upon fairly regularly for specific projects that require more input of time and expertise.
The Digital Library Center has two core functions: service and production. The service group (1 librarian, 1 programmer
dedicated to digital work but technically in the IT department, and 2 staff) provides support and collaborates on digital
humanities projects.
Typically, assign a metadata librarian, developer (IT), subject specialist, and user-interface specialist (web).
Varies widely depending on project. Typically, 1–2 in each category above will work on a project.
We are at the beginning of this service/facility and wanted to avoid “staffing up” until such time as we knew the level
of activity we would have. A typical circumstance for now follows a path something like this: faculty member contacts
or is referred to the Associate Dean, discussion of project leads to recommendations about what types of consultations
with which library faculty/staff would be appropriate, separate meetings occur with these consultants, faculty member
continues with project (libraries can provide training and ongoing consultation). Thus far, this approach has worked
well. We do have a place holder for a dedicated faculty position as the program grows. In the model we follow, which
interested humanities faculty helped build, the individual faculty member is responsible for “doing” the project.
We are dependent on library IT staff for all of our system maintenance and any programming or web services that we
We have a metadata team consisting of 3 librarians, 3 professional staff, a graduate assistant, and a number of
undergraduate student assistants. This team works closely with a librarian and a professional staff in the IT division who
support digital projects. None of these staff and faculty are specifically dedicated to digital humanities projects, but all
of them support humanities faculty and resources that come through our services. One of our librarians has a particular
interest in digital humanities, and so tends to be the point person for any special DH-related projects that come to us.
We have five librarians, one IT professional, and varying numbers of support staff and student assistants who engage
with projects according to the needs of the projects. These staff members represent two teams: Research Enterprise and
Scholarly Communication, and Archives and Special Collections.
We have metadata specialists who assist with metadata projects from time to time and subject librarians who assist
with outreach.
We have one (or maybe two) librarians who provide digital humanities support services, but these services are usually
only on a discussion level and not necessarily on a doing level.
We have several librarians and library staff whose job descriptions include support of digital humanities projects, but
they will be called together based on the student or faculty query. The Digital Content Creation and Metadata librarians
will be brought in to collaborate on a mass digitization project and/or one that involves ContentDM archive. Several
other librarians, such as the Mathematics and Engineering librarians, who currently lead projects on metadata and
digital libraries, are brought in as needed for their respective expertise. And I, as the English and Digital Humanities
Librarian, consult with students and faculty to refer them to the correct personnel and resources on campus who can
help them.
We have two librarians (Fine Arts and Humanities) and two staff members who assist when faculty bring a digital
humanities project to us. The librarians help with content and copyright questions. The staff help with technical support
and actually do the digitization using scanners, photo, or multimedia equipment.
We have worked with scholars to acquire materials for a project, to extract data or files from a database, to assist with
technical questions, and to put material into the Institutional Repository. We provide information for grant applications
and sometimes matching funding.