80 · Representative Documents: Travel Policies
Duke University
Travel and Staff Development Guidelines for Duke University Libraries
Created: 7/25/02
Last Revised: 11/14/08
• Training &Education/Staff Development: Defined as staff-initiated travel to attend courses
or meetings at which s/he will acquire skills to expand his/her knowledge or enhance his/her
job performance. It is expected that training/staff development travel will be reflected in
that employee’s PEP
Local area: Attendance at a conference, workshop or meeting within the RTP metropolitan area (Raleigh-
Durham-Chapel Hill-Cary).
Out of area: Attendance at a conference, workshop or meeting outside the RTP metropolitan area.
Category One:
Local area: The full cost of registration for the conference, workshop, course or meeting.
Out of area: Full cost of transportation by the most economical means to the destination (includes
ticket or personal mileage incurred to/from the destination) and the full cost of “early bird”
registration, meals and lodging.
In order to be reimbursed, expenses must be detailed on the Travel Expense Form and receipts must
be provided.
Category Two:
While staff development and participation in the profession is principally the responsibility of the
individual staff member, the Library encourages such involvement by providing paid released time
for approved Category Two travel along with some financial support.
Local area: The full cost of registration for the conference, workshop, course or meeting.
Out of area: Transportation by the most economical means to the destination (includes ticket or
personal mileage incurred to/from the destination) and the full cost of “early bird” registration, plus a
daily supplement to offset actual expenses for meals, hotel, parking (airport and destination) taxis,
etc. An exception to this is when travel is not possible directly to the destination, ie a conference is
in St. Augustine, FL, but the closest airport is Jacksonville. In this case, taxi, airport transport and/or
a rental car may be authorized.
The supplement amount, based upon the travel purpose, will be determined annually prior to the start
of the new fiscal year (Attachment A). In order to be reimbursed for the supplement, expenses must
be detailed on the Travel Expense Form and receipts must be provided for an amount equal to or in
excess of the supplement payable for the entire trip.
1. Submit Administrative Leave Request through supervisor to department head for approval and
funding level/source (cost object, grant, etc). If the requestor reports to an Executive Group
Duke University
Travel and Staff Development Guidelines for Duke University Libraries
Created: 7/25/02
Last Revised: 11/14/08
• Training &Education/Staff Development: Defined as staff-initiated travel to attend courses
or meetings at which s/he will acquire skills to expand his/her knowledge or enhance his/her
job performance. It is expected that training/staff development travel will be reflected in
that employee’s PEP
Local area: Attendance at a conference, workshop or meeting within the RTP metropolitan area (Raleigh-
Durham-Chapel Hill-Cary).
Out of area: Attendance at a conference, workshop or meeting outside the RTP metropolitan area.
Category One:
Local area: The full cost of registration for the conference, workshop, course or meeting.
Out of area: Full cost of transportation by the most economical means to the destination (includes
ticket or personal mileage incurred to/from the destination) and the full cost of “early bird”
registration, meals and lodging.
In order to be reimbursed, expenses must be detailed on the Travel Expense Form and receipts must
be provided.
Category Two:
While staff development and participation in the profession is principally the responsibility of the
individual staff member, the Library encourages such involvement by providing paid released time
for approved Category Two travel along with some financial support.
Local area: The full cost of registration for the conference, workshop, course or meeting.
Out of area: Transportation by the most economical means to the destination (includes ticket or
personal mileage incurred to/from the destination) and the full cost of “early bird” registration, plus a
daily supplement to offset actual expenses for meals, hotel, parking (airport and destination) taxis,
etc. An exception to this is when travel is not possible directly to the destination, ie a conference is
in St. Augustine, FL, but the closest airport is Jacksonville. In this case, taxi, airport transport and/or
a rental car may be authorized.
The supplement amount, based upon the travel purpose, will be determined annually prior to the start
of the new fiscal year (Attachment A). In order to be reimbursed for the supplement, expenses must
be detailed on the Travel Expense Form and receipts must be provided for an amount equal to or in
excess of the supplement payable for the entire trip.
1. Submit Administrative Leave Request through supervisor to department head for approval and
funding level/source (cost object, grant, etc). If the requestor reports to an Executive Group