20 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
1. Please indicate the number of hours per week librarians must work to be considered full-time and
to qualify for leave benefits. N=72
N Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
To be considered full-time 70 26 40 37.9 40 3.49
To qualify for leave benefits 63 1 40 22.6 20 7.91
Hours worked to be
considered full-time
Number of
Hours worked to
qualify for benefits
Number of
26 2 1 1
30 4 8 1
32 1 10 1
35 9 16 1
37.5 10 17.50 5
40 44 18.75 3
19 1
20 34
26 2
30 5
32 1
35 1
37.50 1
40 6
Hours worked
to be considered
N Hours worked
to qualify for
N Comments
26 2 26 2 AAUP-represented librarians appointed at 65% FTE or greater are
considered full-time. If their appointment is between 50% and 64%
FTE, they are considered Adjunct Librarians and receive part-time
30 4 17.5 1
30 3
32 1 20 1
1. Please indicate the number of hours per week librarians must work to be considered full-time and
to qualify for leave benefits. N=72
N Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
To be considered full-time 70 26 40 37.9 40 3.49
To qualify for leave benefits 63 1 40 22.6 20 7.91
Hours worked to be
considered full-time
Number of
Hours worked to
qualify for benefits
Number of
26 2 1 1
30 4 8 1
32 1 10 1
35 9 16 1
37.5 10 17.50 5
40 44 18.75 3
19 1
20 34
26 2
30 5
32 1
35 1
37.50 1
40 6
Hours worked
to be considered
N Hours worked
to qualify for
N Comments
26 2 26 2 AAUP-represented librarians appointed at 65% FTE or greater are
considered full-time. If their appointment is between 50% and 64%
FTE, they are considered Adjunct Librarians and receive part-time
30 4 17.5 1
30 3
32 1 20 1