SPEC Kit 315: Leave and Professional Development Benefits · 47
Administrative funds may be available for librarians requested/required to attend an event on behalf of the library
The same Professional Development allotment may be used for membership fees for professional associations. Each
Librarian chooses how to utilize their annual Professional Development allotment. It may be used for membership
fees, conference registration, travel, etc., but when it is depleted, no additional funds are provided for Professional
Development during the fiscal year with the exception of administratively approved travel. Administrative travel funds
may be available when attendance is requested by administrators for an individual to attend a meeting, conference, etc.
Administrative travel funds are over and above the Professional Development allotment.
Up to a maximum of $1400 provided in a professional expense allowance, which can also be used for other purposes
such as conference travel.
Pays part of the cost
Every librarian is awarded a professional development allowance and those funds can be used for membership
purposes. It is at the discretion of the librarian to determine how they would like that money to be used. It depends on
how much money is left from this fund to determine if there is enough for the membership fee.
Does not pay for memberships
Also eligible to receive global travel funds and Library Faculty Organization grants by submitting proposal.
Any membership comes directly from personal professional development funds. Library administration also tries to
support some professional development activities attendance at workshops and visiting speakers.
Besides the travel committee funding, the library has professional development and travel funds that can be used to
attend certain meetings and trainings that are job-specific.
Full reimbursement is provided for travel on behalf of the Libraries. Reimbursable expenses include train/airfare,
accommodations, local transportation, conference registration and meals.
Librarians are allocated funds for professional development. The funds are determined by the Librarian’s rank. Either
response listed above is true depending upon the decision of the librarians to use his or her funds to pay for membership
in professional organizations.
Librarians may apply for campus faculty development funds.
Librarians may request additional funding if they are particularly active in an association or have an obligation to attend.
Librarians receive paid working time to attend professional development conferences.
Policy for financial support of travel associated with professional development and training was revised for FY10 in
response to budget cuts.
Prohibited by state regulations. Note that for 2008/09 and 2009/10 travel has been strictly curtailed by the university
due to budget reductions.
The library encourages professionals to attend webinars by paying the full cost of registration when Asst. Univ.
Librarians deem the experience to be worthy of support.
The Library generally doesn’t pay for personal memberships however, institutionally we may pay for membership which
would allow librarians privileges. Librarians/archivists are also entitled to professional development support as part of
their collective agreement, some of which is funded by our library. This support can be used for personal memberships
in professional associations.
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