SPEC Kit 315: Leave and Professional Development Benefits · 43
+10% -individual contributing to profession through paper presentation. “Reasonable” guidelines: Airfare -14-day
advance coach fare. Lodging -roommate cost, up to $100/night. Food -per diem of $40 day. Registration – early bird
rate. Rental car – allowable when use reduces airfare cost commensurately. Ground transportation and parking – none.
Personal auto mileage – in lieu of airfare up to cost of 14-day advance coach airfare. Local events – registration only.
International events – funding level based on location, case by case.
The library has a travel committee responsible for the travel budget. Depending upon the number of trips they have to
fund and the amount of budget they have during a particular year, travelers receive are reimbursed a portion of the cost.
The library pays 80% of costs which are reimbursable under university guidelines.
The Training Committee adjudicates.
Various policies between each Library/department. Some do not pay for food some ask for librarians to share hotel
rooms some will give a dollar amount maximum for each conference some will allow only 1 or 2 conference per year
per librarian.
While staff development and participation in the profession is principally the responsibility of the individual staff
member, the library encourages such involvement by providing paid released time for approved Category Two travel
along with some financial support. Local area: The full cost of registration for the conference, workshop, course or
meeting. Out of area: Transportation by the most economical means to the destination (includes ticket or personal
mileage incurred to/from the destination) and the full cost of “early bird” registration, plus a daily supplement to offset
actual expenses for meals, hotel, parking (airport and destination) taxis, etc. An exception to this is when travel is
not possible directly to the destination, i.e., a conference is in St. Augustine, FL, but the closest airport is Jacksonville.
In this case, taxi, airport transport and/or a rental car may be authorized. The supplement amount, based upon the
travel purpose, will be determined annually prior to the start of the new fiscal year. In order to be reimbursed for the
supplement, expenses must be detailed on the Travel Expense Form and receipts must be provided for an amount equal
to or in excess of the supplement payable for the entire trip. Current reimbursement is $40/day for attendance and $75/
day for participation to cover lodging, meals, etc. University is currently reviewing its travel policies and may be shifting
to a per diem system.
Part Registration, Part Travel
“Other” is the best answer. All librarians are allotted a set amount of “travel” money annually that they may use for
conference-related purposes. Reimbursement or pre-payment of conference registration is an allowable expense.
$1,200 total per year for each librarian: can be allocated for conference registration, travel or both as long as limit is
observed. Can apply for an additional $500 of travel funds from a special pool.
$600 for non tenured per year $300 for tenured per year
$800/year is available to library faculty for registration and travel. An additional $200 is awarded for professional
involvement such as chairing a committee, presenting a paper, or serving on a board.
1) Fund A will make up 60 percent of the total Faculty Professional Travel Budget and will be allocated proportionately
among the faculty. Each member of the faculty will be notified by July 31 of the amount allocated for him/her to spend
in Fund A for travel expenses at his/her discretion. 2) Fund B will make up the remaining 40 percent of the Faculty
Professional Travel Budget. The FPTC will recommend funding for individual travel requests out of Fund B based on
the tenure status of the traveler and his/her reason for traveling. Funding recommendations from Fund B will be made
according to the following priorities: 1) Untenured tenure-track faculty presenting, conducting research, or serving as a
member of a committee. 2) Tenured faculty presenting, conducting research, or serving as a member of a committee. 3)
+10% -individual contributing to profession through paper presentation. “Reasonable” guidelines: Airfare -14-day
advance coach fare. Lodging -roommate cost, up to $100/night. Food -per diem of $40 day. Registration – early bird
rate. Rental car – allowable when use reduces airfare cost commensurately. Ground transportation and parking – none.
Personal auto mileage – in lieu of airfare up to cost of 14-day advance coach airfare. Local events – registration only.
International events – funding level based on location, case by case.
The library has a travel committee responsible for the travel budget. Depending upon the number of trips they have to
fund and the amount of budget they have during a particular year, travelers receive are reimbursed a portion of the cost.
The library pays 80% of costs which are reimbursable under university guidelines.
The Training Committee adjudicates.
Various policies between each Library/department. Some do not pay for food some ask for librarians to share hotel
rooms some will give a dollar amount maximum for each conference some will allow only 1 or 2 conference per year
per librarian.
While staff development and participation in the profession is principally the responsibility of the individual staff
member, the library encourages such involvement by providing paid released time for approved Category Two travel
along with some financial support. Local area: The full cost of registration for the conference, workshop, course or
meeting. Out of area: Transportation by the most economical means to the destination (includes ticket or personal
mileage incurred to/from the destination) and the full cost of “early bird” registration, plus a daily supplement to offset
actual expenses for meals, hotel, parking (airport and destination) taxis, etc. An exception to this is when travel is
not possible directly to the destination, i.e., a conference is in St. Augustine, FL, but the closest airport is Jacksonville.
In this case, taxi, airport transport and/or a rental car may be authorized. The supplement amount, based upon the
travel purpose, will be determined annually prior to the start of the new fiscal year. In order to be reimbursed for the
supplement, expenses must be detailed on the Travel Expense Form and receipts must be provided for an amount equal
to or in excess of the supplement payable for the entire trip. Current reimbursement is $40/day for attendance and $75/
day for participation to cover lodging, meals, etc. University is currently reviewing its travel policies and may be shifting
to a per diem system.
Part Registration, Part Travel
“Other” is the best answer. All librarians are allotted a set amount of “travel” money annually that they may use for
conference-related purposes. Reimbursement or pre-payment of conference registration is an allowable expense.
$1,200 total per year for each librarian: can be allocated for conference registration, travel or both as long as limit is
observed. Can apply for an additional $500 of travel funds from a special pool.
$600 for non tenured per year $300 for tenured per year
$800/year is available to library faculty for registration and travel. An additional $200 is awarded for professional
involvement such as chairing a committee, presenting a paper, or serving on a board.
1) Fund A will make up 60 percent of the total Faculty Professional Travel Budget and will be allocated proportionately
among the faculty. Each member of the faculty will be notified by July 31 of the amount allocated for him/her to spend
in Fund A for travel expenses at his/her discretion. 2) Fund B will make up the remaining 40 percent of the Faculty
Professional Travel Budget. The FPTC will recommend funding for individual travel requests out of Fund B based on
the tenure status of the traveler and his/her reason for traveling. Funding recommendations from Fund B will be made
according to the following priorities: 1) Untenured tenure-track faculty presenting, conducting research, or serving as a
member of a committee. 2) Tenured faculty presenting, conducting research, or serving as a member of a committee. 3)