SPEC Kit 315: Leave and Professional Development Benefits · 33
Maximum Balance Maximum Cash out Cash out Eligibility
No cap No cap, but cash out
payment is one quarter of
Permanent, tenured or tenure-track appointments only, at time
of retirement only. No payment made at resignation.
No limit 30 days (1/4 of accrual) Retirement with 10 or more years of service
No maximum balance Longevity 1 day per year at
None 480 10 year service requirement
None Max of $2000 Only with retirement, not resignation
Unlimited One-fourth of balance to
maximum of 30 days
Resignation or retirement after minimum 10 years service
136 hours Retirement only, and hired prior to 2004
No Cash Out N=44
Can be counted toward service credit for retirement purposes.
Employees enrolled in state pension plan may apply balance toward retirement in accordance with plan formula ORP
(Optional Retirement Plan) participants are not eligible for this provision.
No cash out, but upon retirement accumulated sick leave may be converted to retirement service credit (no limit).
No cash out if retiring sick leave is added to your service time.
None, but it is used to defray the cost of a medigap policy.
Only upon death sick leave up to 336 hours goes to estate.
Sick leave is not paid out, but may be transferred to another state agency upon separation.
Leave Time for Professional Development
7. Do librarians at your library routinely get scheduled or dedicated research time as part of their
regular assignment? N=71
Yes 19 27%
No 52 73%
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